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Modernising Teacher Education in a European Perspective
Start date: Jan 15, 2010,

Currently, teacher education in the education systems of South-East Europe are experiencing a radical change: the challenge consists in aligning the curricula of teacher-education to the European education area and effectively modernising structures such as models and methods in teacher education. With the formal introduction of gradated courses following the Bologna process, the first step has already been taken. Nevertheless, sufficient reforms of curricula, models and structures of teacher education are still missing. In many respects, this area of reform is still too heterogeneous to really be able to promote the mobility of students or facilitate the acknowledgment of study achievements between universities. Inparticular such curricular components are missing which permit to adapt teacher education to new profiles of competences and new methods in changing the educational and the social system as a whole and to align it not only in a national, but also in a European way.This project intervenes on three levels in this change:1. It identifies those elements in the structures and models of the teacher education in the education systems of the consortium countries which hinder mobility and it examines in respect of the three cycles the question of the European dimensioning in teacher education in five topic fields: Educational science in teacher education in a multicultural Europe Foreign language teacher education and linguistic diversity in Europe New media and possibilities for transnational cooperation Intercultural learning as a horizontal task Economic key qualifications in teacher education. A problem oriented report on the situation in the participating countries will be elaborated in order to work out proposals for a harmonization of teacher education.2.In reference to these five topic areas exemplary curricular components are developed including methods and teaching materials, which are tested at the consortium universities with the aim to implement them into the different study courses of teacher education in all three cycles, to develop rules for acknowledgment (learning agreements) between the consortium universities, to promote the mobility of students and to insert these curriculum units as basis of a European teacher education into exchange programmes such as ERASMUS. In this project phase a mobilty semester (lasting three months) is scheduled for a total of 14 students between consortium universities.3. Based on the project results, indicators for quality assurance are developed, which permit self evaluation and external evaluation of the modernisation of teacher education in a sustainable perspective. In total, 20 multipliers (academic and administrative staff) are trained in monitoring and steering modernization processes in European teacher education which are qualified in the spreading of the project results in form of an one-week advanced training.The goal of the project is to integrate a european dimension in teacher education, to foster the mobility and to align teacher education in the partner countries to the European education area in close co-operation with education decision makers in the partner countries, with Ministries of Education and agencies responsible for the accreditation of study courses and to sensitize the public for this question. The products of the project are also to be brought to the market after project end. In this regard, the Center for European Education in Zagreb already serves as an institutionalized factor for sustainability which assures long-term co-operation between the consortium partners and stands for the continuation of the project

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