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Moderní technologie - naše budoucnost
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Střední průmyslová škola Přerov thanks to Erasmus+ project sent two groups of students to Hungary for three weeks. These groups contained students of 2nd, 3rd and 4th year of studying. Working language of both internships was English. The participants got to know everyday English but also special terms from their field of studying. The participants got new proffessional skills and they also got to know new culture, traditions, history of Hungary. The participants were students of two most important fields of studying at our school. The first group went to Budapest in January 2016 and contained from 18 students of Mechanical engineering and Electrical engineering. The second group went to Budapest in May 2016 and contained from 22 students of Mechanical engineering and Electrical engineering. Our partner companies managed working places for the paricipants and they also helped with organizational and logistic things. Participation in the internship brought to the students verified theoretical knowledge in practice and deepened the relationship with their studies. This project increased the language skills of students and it certainly increased their chances on the labor market. The project contributed to the growth of interest in travel, it motivated students to awareness of the need of self-education.
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