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Moderné odborné vzdelávanie - motivovaný, tvorivý a úspešný študent
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project of Secondary Technical School, Piešťanská 2262 / 80, Nové Mesto nad Váhom named „Modern technical education – motivated, creative and successful students“ is concentrated on improvement of quality of secondary technical education for better use of graduates on European labour market. Teachers acquire competence to develop modern strategies of teaching through their mobility. They will be able to teach more playfully and responsibly for labour market and business environment. Four teachers who have experience with technical education, excellent results in student competitions and lifelong learning, will participate in this project. They have some experience with organization of competitions, they participate on student competitions with excellent results. We want to be involved to the teaching process and by this way, to introduce ideas, stimulus, themes, inspiration to training programmes of our school. Development of international co-operation between teachers who teach various technical subjects, development ofskills, active use of information technologies in teaching process, the importance of foreign languages in technical education, are practical activities of the project. We will develop life skills of the young, stimulate their creativity and enterprise and support ability to be employed in the field of tourism, gastronomy, hotel business and catering by use of the project. Extra values, like emphasize on healthy lifestyle and the environment, undertaking, employment, are themes important in discussions and workshops. We build on vision and mission ofour school, which is co-operation of parents, local community in training and education ofour students so that they acquire knowledge and skills necessary for sucessful life in today´s changing and culturally rich global society. The directorate and management of our schol encourage all teachers to develop their qualification in preparation of students for practice and practical life. They motivate all the interested in various projects, Professional contests, those who use new methods and teaching forms aimed at combination of theory with practice. Status of individual schools in the labou rmarket, o ftheir graduates in it, quality of teachers and teaching process are the best indicators for choosing of appropriate school. We want to be the school like that. Participants of the project have worked also new demands for teaching process and they want to improve them by Exchange stay: - to use adequate freedom and creativity of students and teachers in schol activities - development of cognitive and non-cognitive personality aspects, emotional intelligence, activation, motivation, ethics, communication, autoregulation and discipline which lead to creation of personal value system - to use competitive environment in school activities which are driving force for progress - to use diversification of ways, methods and forms of training and education - to use information technologies - to improve communication skills in foreign languages - to prepare students for life in globalized world and for work in globalized economy

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