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Model EU in Schools
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Surveys by the NZ European Union Centres Network (NZ EUCN) suggest that EU contexts are not highly visible in NZ teaching and learning programmes at secondary level and that despite demonstrable importance of the EU, the public in NZ are not generally well informed about the EU and its relevance to the region. This project responds to this need by encouraging and engaging secondary students and teachers in EU Studies. The project proposes three innovative Model EU Training and Simulation workshops, simulating a high level EU meeting, for senior high school students, providing them with practical hands on experience of EU processes and issues. Themes for the Model EU workshops will be chosen according to relevant EU developments in the months leading up to the events. Students will be introduced to the EU, its governance and the workshop subject through interactive and self-directed learning. The event will culminate in a Plenary session where students will put their knowledge into practice. The project also proposes to engage secondary teachers in professional learning development (PLD) on teaching the EU in the NZ curriculum and to encourage them to use EU content in their classroom. The workshops will be guided by experienced education facilitators and EU Studies academics, improving the knowledge and understanding of the EU amongst participants, before guiding them through classroom resources. To increase the audience and effectiveness of the project, each workshop will be offered in NZ’s three main centres: Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch. The events are designed to increase the visibility of the EU and EU related resources in NZ and to improve the knowledge and understanding of the EU among both target groups. Teachers will be up-skilled and confident about incorporating innovative EU resources in the classroom. Students will gain a greater understanding of the EU and develop practical skills, beneficial for their studies and professional careers.

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