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Moda Training on Practice
Start date: Nov 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

An essential need is found nowadays regarding the connection between the VET systems and the labour market in view of the high unemployment rates, especially affecting youngsters. In many EU countries different policies have been recently enforced to support practical experiences in companies, as part of the vocational training systems. Most of these initiatives have a regional scope and a pilot purpose, or they are still at their initial stages of implementation requiring to fine-tune different elements. This causes a significant fragmentation of the models not only at European level, but also a national level, which makes difficult comparative analyses and to evaluate the impact of the different policies.This diagnosis led four partners in a previous EU transfer of innovation project in the fashion and textile sector to set up this proposal in order to benchmark existing resources and build tools based on the most effective ones, aiming to contribute to the solution of this situation. The partnership is extended to another five partners, which cooperate together for the first time. The participating countries include Spain, Italy, Portugal and Czech Republic, where textile industry is a pillar of their economies. The partnership include VET practitioners, sectoral bodies representing the textile industry, and educative institutions with public regulatory and policy-making roles.The project will build on the VET educational frames in the participating countries that incorporate practical training sessions in companies, with the purpose to benchmark resources and methods used in the VET schools and in the companies in the textile sector, which assist the training efforts of teachers and tutors in the practical training sessions. Finally tools will be produced to complement the already existing resources for teachers and tutors in the fashion and textile sector, including: (i) Guide of Recommendations for teachers and tutors; (ii) Online recognition tool to enable recognising the learning outcomes accomplished in the practical phase of the training, in cooperation with the VET schools.The project intends to involve directly some 150 stakeholders to obtain the intellectual outputs of the project and promote the results during project lifetime directly to 2.500 representatives from the three target groups: teachers and students from VET schools participating in dual systems in the textile and fashion sector, companies hosting and interested to host stages for VET students in this sector, policy-makers and institutions in charge of designing and implementing VET systems which incorporate practices in companies.

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8 Partners Participants