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Moblity For Ever/Ecvet/EQF/Europe 1
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This project is submitted by a consortium of four AOC’s. AOC Terra is the applying partner. Other partners are: AOC Oost, AOC Groene Welle and Nordwin College. By collaborating forces can be pooled and used to each other's strengths . This consortium is part of a larger consortium of eight AOC’s; besides the above mentioned partners, Wellant, Citaverde, Lentiz and Helicon are member. The applications of both consortia are written in close consultation. This increases, in addition to the quality, flexibility in sharing and mutual cooperation. All AOCs endorse the international policy of the AOC Council and have used this program in their international programs and projects. All AOCs are active in the fields Agrifood , Horticulture, which have been identified as key sectors of our national economy. The Human Capital Agenda, created by the Ministry of Economic Affairs is leading in this application. Key themes are improving the connection between education and industry, improving the image, developing the sector skills and strengthening entrepreneurial skills. Involved participants: - staff (75 ) and instructors of the training company (15) and 210 students (195 school based and 15 workbased) of the green secondary vocational education at all levels in all 17 green domains in this consortium. - As transmitting party, the consortium represents 45 schools. Appendix 4 contains a description of the consortium; Annex 1 contains the international policy of the AOC Council, guiding for all partners of the consortium. - Receiving partners: the 22 members of the International EUROPEA network and their local institutes (about 1000 recipient partners in Europe). In order to keep the application clear, EUROPEA is used on behalf of the 22 country members and their receiving partners. The aim of the project is to encourage the personal development of the participants, especially concerning international competencies, thereby promoting cultural awareness and employability. Other objectives are: • Internationalization is an obvious item within Competence Education • Internationalization has priority within the institutions and their vision • Increase skills of staff and students by internationalization • Increase knowledge and the supply of foreign languages • Create, expand and maintain international networks/ strategic partnerships • Raise quality of education focused on the following items: the level of the qualifying activities related to the EQF levels • Support experience and innovations in competence based education • Meet the developments within training companies using qualifying internships • To promote Regional Learning within Europe • Detect and label parts of the curricula offered by the various institutes, use them to create an ECVET unit and compose an assessment (ECVET) In addition, the following objectives: - promotion of cooperation between the AOCs and green training companies in Europe - comparison and development of school curricula , both nationally and internationally - encouraging European citizenship and entrepreneurship what National requirements: experience of different social and cultural conditions in a new environment. By these experiences and using another language, one learns other cultures, ways of life and develop other, more open points of view. European needs: the exchange of professional and cultural knowledge, understanding of cultural differences, transparency of education and the detect, label and value elements in various curricula (ECVET) and the improvement of learning materials. where: The receiving partners are chosen within the 22 countries of the EUROPEA network. Within the target country the most suitable partner for each study visit is selected. when: All study visits take place between June 1, 2014 and May 31, 2016. Study visits of staff last from 3 days to a week and the qualifying activities from two weeks to two months. Expected results: - The participants become international competent and 'employable’ using and exchanging knowledge and experience gained in their professional area and expand this. - Participants gain understanding of other cultures in the broadest sense of the word - Participants gain better language skills - Participants expand their own international network of foreign partners and by their own international experiences participants are better able to encourage students to participate in international activities - Increased use of social media (Facebook, Linked-In, Yammer, Skype and Twitter ) as a means of contact

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