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Мобилността - пътя към добро и атрактивно образование
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The realization of the project "Mobility - the roadmap to good and attractive education" with its both directions: "Management of forests with protective features and modes in the Czech Republic" and "New and contemporary tools in the methodology of training and certification of students in Furniture production" will be accomplished through a tripartite partnership. Leading and sending partner is Professional School of Forestry and Wood "Sava Mladenov" (VSFW), Teteven city and receiving transnational partners are Association Ouvrière des Compagnons du Devoir du Tour de France (AOCDTF) and Secondary Forestry School Krivoklat, Czech Republic.Project envisages to contribute to improving the quality of vocational education and strengthen the motivation of the students by providing attractive education. There are two activities:A1 " Management of forests with protective features and modes in the Czech Republic"Participation will take 15 students to increase their knowledge and skills, and two companions. End-users are students from classes in "Forestry and logging" and "Forestry and hunting", students in 10th and 11th grade in VSFW. The activity will be implemented with the participation of the receiving partner Forest High School Krivoklat, Czech Republic. Mobility is targeted at the educational needs of students in vocational training and acquire experience in dealing with forests in protected mode and in particular practice in the field of preserving the diversity of flora and fauna, as well as practices and measures aimed at preventing soil erosion.The educational process at the international level is needed for the target group of VSFW to enrich their knowledge and especially the skills that they can apply in practice. The overall objective of the project is to increase the mobility knowledge and skills of students who will contribute to a high professional level of end-users.Mobility is planned to take place in September 2016 with duration of 2 weeks (14 calendar days), incl. 10 working days, 6 hours each. A2 "New and contemporary tools in the methodology of training and certification of students in Furniture production" with joint implementation of the Association Ouvrière des Compagnons du Devoir du Tour de France (AOCDTF). Second mobility is aimed at exchanging good practices and new competencies of teachers and responsible staff VSFW "Sava Mladenov" in the field of multimedia and interactive presentation of educational material, as well as towards the opportunities for the certification of knowledge and skills acquired by students in specialty "Furniture production". Procedure provides eight-day visit of 10 teachers and responsible staff of VSFW in AOCDTF (France) during which users will be introduced and will have the opportunity later to integrate in practice these skills and techniques:- Use of interactive teaching methods;- New multimedia tools in teaching;- Building a multimedia lesson;- Opportunities and approaches of working and communicating with companies in the furniture industry to ensure the practice of students;- Opportunities and methods of certification achieved levels of education and recognition of degree education - introducing Evaluation System ECVET.The exchange of international experience and best practices in the field of organizing and planning the learning process and cooperation with the business needs of the target group of VSFW to enrich their knowledge and skills to implement in order to increase the attractiveness of education and training in VSFW taking into account the strong relationship between the quality of teachers and those managing and leading educational institutions and the quality and education and training.The overall objective of the project is mobility to enhance knowledge, skills and qualifications of teachers and responsible staff of VSFW, applied in practice to contribute to improving the attractiveness, quality and effectiveness of vocational education and training in VSFW.The project will achieve a number of specific objectives such as:For students:- Further develop and enhance knowledge and skills of participants with regard to the management of forests in special modes;- Acquisition of knowledge and familiarity with EU practices to protect the environment and in particular the protection of forests, flora, fauna and protection against soil erosion;- Synchronization of training with European standards.Exchange of international experiences and best practices in the field;- Provision of professional and personal growth;- Increasing the competitiveness of young specialists.For staff:- Acquiring skills to use new multimedia tools in teaching;- Sharing experiences and practices regarding the methods of work of teachers together with companies in the furniture industry in France;- Introduction of interactive teaching methods in the context of specialty Furniture production.

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