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Mobilności europejskie szansą lepszego zatrudnienia dla uczniów i rozwoju szkoły
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project ' European mobility- a chance of better work for students and school's development' is taking place at Technikum Nr 6 in Krosno ( the leader of the project) with the partnership of IBERLINK ETN in Berlin. The project will make it possible to 15 students of the subjects: construction technician, landscape architecture technician, architecture renovation technician to participate in four-week vocational training. The training will be held in selected various companies specialized in building and construction, designing and maintaining elements of landscape architecture and green areas and renovation. The training programme will be set according to the participants’ individual career needs, their expectations and experience. The training will improve students' professional qualifications, skills and language competence and as a result will contribute to their position on the regional and european job market. Thanks to the project the students will not only develop themselves professionally but their mobility in the European job market will increase. The training will be a chance for the students to use and check the practical knowledge and language abilities they have already gained at a real, modern workplace. The completion of the training will be certified with a Europass – mobility document which will validate the first professional experience the students have gained. Europass document wil be a great advantage for the students at the local job market. The project will also influence students' personal development. They will definitely become more tolerant and sensitive to other cultures. The project will also encourage students’ to learn foreign languages, and it will prepare them to be ready to work in different European countries. The project is going to last 12 months and the trainings is planned to take place between April and June 2016. The project's expected effects are: the participants will acquire the key working competence; cooperating in a team, finding a consensual solution, good communication skills, proper time management at a workplace, promptness, flexibility, self-reliance, entrepreneurship and foreign language skills. The project will lead to closer cooperation between Technikum Nr 6 in Krosno and Berlink ETN in organizing vocational training for students and promoting collaboration in fields of education and professional training. The project will have a positive outcome on our school. The image and the way the school is portrayed in the local society will change for the better. We expect a greater interest of our school offer in vocational and technical education, and as a result in the future the number of graduates needed at the local job market will increase. The project will also contribute to the school's and all their beneficiaries internationalization.The training will prepare students to start work in native and European job markets.
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