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Start date: Oct 20, 2016, End date: Oct 19, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Project Students' occupational mobility increases their chances on EU labor markets”, prepared by the sending organization is addressed to vocational training school students in the first and the second grade being trained in the following vocations: hotel service, logistics. 40 students and 4 teachers are going to take part in this project (2 groups, each consists of 20 students and 2 tutors). The students are going to participate in a 26 days long vocational training placements in logistics companies and hotels. The first group’s placement shall take place in second half of June until first half of July 2017 and the second group’s placement in second half of June until first half of July 2018. Both groups are going to participate in a work placement in Granada (Spain). According to the needs of our students that we have identified and the established objectives, we decided that a placement in real work environment is the best way to gain professional competence required on the labour market. The best possible preparation for entering the labour market in the tourist, hotel industry and in logistics is the main objective of this project, as well as broadening the European dimension of vocational education. We achieve the main objectives through the execution of following aims:1. The general vocational objectives:- acquiring skills regarding customer service- extending theoretical knowledge obtained by the students during school courses by practical training- forming team-work skills- forming an intercultural dialog based on respect, tolerance, understanding for other cultures that is present in the workplace and everyday life- learning an attitude of acceptance towards diversity in the workplace enviroment2. Vocational aims- introduction to work standards in European companies- learning how to do customer service procedures- acquiring skills required at work3. Linguistic objectives- extending the vocabulary of foreign language (especially vocational language)- improving language skills (mainly comprehension, speaking and writing in English and learning same basics of Spanish)- breaking the language barrier, that is very common among our students, and gaining ease of communication in foreign country4. Other objectives- acquaintance with professional computer programs and specific documentation - gaining vocational mobility - reducing inequality of opportunities on European labour markets for youth from rural areas and small villages (our students from such communities shall be a large part of the project participants)This project responds to the need for increasing educational and vocational mobility of young people to the EU countries, promotes learning foreign language as an important part of the vocational training process, supports their social and vocational activity. The implementation of the project is also going to increase the student chances of finding employment after finishing education as well as improve their mobility and motivation in the field of job searching. The project partners will be able to evaluate and accumulate the level of practical knowledge of our students, verify their skills and define their compatibility with the European labour market after having participated in the work placement. It will constitute a valuable feedback on their professional development and will also enable us to accumulate their vocational skills. It will give to our teachers an opportunity to implement different vocational training methods. Students will take part in vocational training placements in hotels, logistics companies as well as in Spanish lessons and cultural events. This project is a response to their needs for improving and widening professional competence and breaking the language barrier. The project also responds to the needs of a vocational training school, whose priority is train students by acquiring new skills and experience in real labour enviroment. Participation in the project will also bring great benefits to education process in our school. The participants shall also visit the most interesting sites in south Spain. The cultural program will be run by the accompanying school teachers in cooperation with the project partners .Students will receive Certificates of: ECVET, Europass Mobility and Spanish Course, as well.

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