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Start date: Dec 31, 2015, End date: Dec 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Teachers in Vocational School No. 4 are joining the Erasmus + Mobility project, due to which they can take part in foreign language courses and language and methodology courses. By joining the project, teachers are to: - enhance the quality of the school functioning through the implementation of acquired skills in teaching their subjects, the care and monitoring students during their placements abroad, -serve as counsellors during foreign internships of the students in order to upgrade the students’ and teachers' professional skills -participate in future projects with the exchange of international partners – both students and teachers (job shadowing). The number of applicants in the project is 18. They are: the school management, teachers of vocational subjects , foreign language teachers, physical education teachers, a teacher of Polish and economics, a biology teacher, a librarian and the school counsellor. Their participation in the project translates into concrete results seen in the effects of teaching and stimulating the students' upbringing, and these in turn into the long-term effects in the local environment: -The School Director and Deputy Director will be able to independently establish contacts with partners from other countries, monitor and effectively supervise internships of our students. -Teachers of vocational subjects (5) teaching students in courses such as Nutrition Technology and Services , Catering and Food Technology, Technology of Tourism, Technology of Hospitality Industry , Cook, Baker, Confectioner are to establish contacts and take part in internships abroad in places associated with subjects taught by them. These are travel agencies, eateries, hotels, cafés, bakeries, confectioneries, where they expect to acquire practical skills and ultimately master their workmanship. They are able to take care of students during their interns independently during which they are to observe the operation of these facilities, which also affects quality of their work as educators. - Foreign language teachers (6) accomplishing methodology language courses are designed to improve and enrich their workshops, implement new methods in teaching their subjects, improve the efficiency and effectiveness of teaching. They are to conduct language classes for teaching and non-teaching staff. Physical education teachers (2) are designed to actively participate in the care of young people during their internships abroad. Also, they aim at implementation and execution of sporting events such as skiing, chess tournaments and nordic walking during exchanges between our school and schools from abroad. General subject teacher (1) of the Polish language, as well as a librarian and the school counsellor through participation in the language courses are able to effectively engage in the e-Twinning project, which is already in the preparatory phase, take care of young people from abroad requiring support (the school counsellor), provide advice in the field of professional literature for students and teachers of our school who read foreign books in their original languages and search for international data (the librarian). Designing the project we relied on observations of the needs of our school, asking specific questions and searching for answers and solutions adequate to the character of our teching methods. The school has its own overall development strategy and the school director conducts an annual diagnosis and analysis of the achievements and needs of the school – which result in apparent necessity for further education and self-education of teachers and the increase in language competence due to the large number of foreign projects, involving teaching staff and students. A team of several teachers are involved in writing the present project. All activities related to the conduct and evaluation of the project after its completion have been planned in detail. After completing the apprenticeship, school staff will acquire a greater competence for teaching their subjects, more teachers will be deployed to the care of the students as trainees, which will greatly facilitate the implementation of the teaching tasks of our school. In addition, the school will be able to accomplish more EU projects with partners from abroad due to the increased number of employees speaking foreign languages (English, German and Italian). Our school updates the local environment (through the press, television, its own website and school celebrations) on all the school programs and projects as well as on their results and successes of students and teachers, which translates into awareness of the local residents about all the undertakings and is reflected in the annual recruitment and interest of students and parents and prospect employers of our school leavers in the region. It is the most important goal of any action we take.
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