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Mobilność kluczem do sukcesu
Start date: Dec 31, 2016, End date: Aug 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project “Mobility the key to success” is designed for 80 students of economics ,trade, photography, digital graphic processes and hotel management speciality in our school. We created it to meet the students’ needs to develop vocational competences and skills necessary while working for enterprises of high European standards.The project was created together by the Secondary School of Economics Complex ,Sistema Turismo company and Italian employers where job training will be conducted and also Institut Saint Christophe and French employers. Sistema Turismo company with its premises in Rimini is responsible for job placements and in-training service in trade, photography, digital graphic enterprises. Our Italian partner has extensive experience in organizing of internships including international internships for students from Poland. Institut St Christophe is a vocational school situated in the city of Masseube in the south of France. The school is responsible for vocational training and job placement organized in hotels and agritourist hotels and other premises of that kind. Those enterprises have experience in hosting foreign and local trainees and also cooperate with the Institute St. Christophe.The Secondary School of Economics Complex has cooperated with the Institute since 2011 and this year is starting to work together with the Sistema Turismo company.The project for the students of hotel management profile will be conducted for the fifth time and for the students of the economics profile for the fourth time. However, the students of the rest profiles will go for the first time to gain work experience in European labour market. The previous project editions, completed thanks to the Leonardo da Vinci programme, were very successful and our students were highly interested in them. After finishing of project all methods observed will be included in the job training in Poland; added value.The project participants are mostly the youth living in the countryside, usually having more difficult start in vocational career than those coming from urban areas. The participants come from a poor, ethnically and religiously homogeneous background. Taking part in this project is a great chance for them to break the stereotypes and gain experience which will make it easier to appear and exist in the European job market and encourage them to mobility in order to acquire necessary experience and skills to be a precious employee.The first part of job placement for 20 students of the economics profile will take place in March 2017 and the second group of 16 students of the photography and digital graphic processes profiles will take part in job placement in May 2017. The next job placement in Italy we are planning in autumn 2017 for 28 pupils of of economics ,trade, photography, digital graphic processes specialties. In spring 2018 we consider to organize internships for 16 students of hotel management profile.The main aim of the project is to provide the students of the Secondary School of Economics Complex with a possibility of getting a vocational knowledge and practical skills in the field of hotel – tourism, trade, photography, digital graphic enterprises activity during 4 - week stay in France and 2- week or 4 – week stay in Italy. The next goal is to make use of the acquired vocational skills within European standards and to learn the Italian standards of running a business and also learn the French standards of hotel functioning and other hotel and tourism premises in France.. Expected results:- preparing the 80 students to start vocational career by entering the European job market and increasing the possibility of being employed after graduation.- learning the ways of functioning of some hotel-tourism enterprises and several trade, photography, digital graphic enterprises- improving the level of foreign languages for 80 students by enriching the vocabulary and improving speaking skills- personal development of 80 students in the fields of entrepreneurship, resourcefulness , breaking barriers and stereotypes about the youth living in rural areas.- transferring the experience and skills acquired while vocational training in France and Italy to the programme of vocational training in Poland and the Polish job market- adjusting the educational process to the current requirements of the European job market- getting to know the culture of the country or region where the job training is conducted- getting the Europass Mobility certificate- expanding the cooperation between the Institut St Christophe, the Sistema Turismo company and our school.The employers from the area of Radomsko district also took part in creation of the project. During a number of meetings, local employers assured that the acquired skills will be additional advantages taken into consideration while applying for a job in their enterprises, what will give a chanc

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