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Mobilność kadry eduakacji audiowizualnej
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The “Mobility of Audiovisual Educators” project was addressed to the staff and volunteers working for the Cotopaxi Film Workshop Association, which deals with film and audiovisual education, especially through the means of Participatory Video (PV). The goals of the project were: improving the managerial skills of the administrative staff (especially foreign language competences), developing essential knowledge of our educators, and broadening the range of our activities through new methods and tools. In the course of the project, mobilities for 25 people were organized, with the board members, administrative staff, coaches, facilitators and volunteers taking part. All of them were experienced in coaching adults and they majored in social sciences. During the project four mobilities of type A1 (participation in courses and training sessions) took place: Digital Storytelling course in Copenhagen, Integrated Methods of Audiovisual Education course in Reading, training sessions for audiovisual educators working with the elderly in Leeds, and English language course in Malta. All courses focused on practice, and allowed us to develop our competences and acquire new skills. The courses were carefully selected from rich educational offer of various institutions and NGOs. Owing to the project, we could expand and modify the training opportunities (i.e. introduce new elements or changes in class scenarios; suggest creation of new groups). Moreover, it strengthened the position of our Association on the international arena (e.g. cooperation offers, exchange of experiences), and helped to improve the managerial and other essential skills of the staff.
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