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Mobilność edukacyjna w programie Erasmus + szansą na rozwój kompetencji zawodowych uczniów i nauczycieli
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project will be implemented by the School of Economics Nicolaus Copernicus in Olsztyn, in the years 2015-2017, the project will go on work placements 90 students of disciplines: computer scientist, economist, techniques and hotelier tourist services as well as 10 teachers of vocational education economists, specialists and hoteliers. The main objective of the project: Support for pupils and staff of our facility in an effort to raise the skills and learning a foreign language industry. Additional complementary objectives: - Extending the useful competence among teachers to teach classes - Support for students entering the job market after graduation by allowing professional work experience. - Develop the students' ability to think in a creative way, career planning - An understanding of the different solutions in the field of vocational training for staff - Work on boosting the confidence of students and teachers through participation in international cooperation - An increase in existing and acquiring new skills and competencies - Improving the quality of education at the school in accordance with European added value - Improving language skills through contact with "living language" - Improving the skills of teamwork, cooperation and overcoming conflicts. The main activities of the project : Educational mobility of students: Students - 4-week placements in foreign companies in the UK, Spain, Portugal 1. technician informatics - 30 students (15 persons to UK in October / November 2015, 15 people to Portugal - April 2016) 2. techniques economist - 30 students ( 15 people - to United Kingdom - October / November 2015, 15 people to Portugal - April 2016) 3. techniques hotelier - 15 students - March 2017 - to Spain, Granada 4. techniques tourist services - 15 students March 2017 to - Spain, Granada Educational mobility of staff: Teachers - 2 week work placement in companies: 1. Teachers of - information and economic - 5 persons - July 2016 - United Kingdom 2. Teachers of hotelier subjects - 5 persons July 2016 - Portugal. In the project, and will take part in total 100 people, which is a high percentage of our school community, and therefore is consistent and complementary action - with a significant and comprehensive impact on increasing the attractiveness of education and teaching in our school. Results of the project: - 90 students and 10 teachers: - complete the professional experience and receive certificates - Improving the professional qualifications and language students and school staff - Validation of informal learning through certification Europass Mobility - Improve the knowledge of the skills needed to work - Increase awareness of. High value of lifelong learning - Increasing the mobility of participants, establish new international contacts Products in the project: - Website created by students and teachers - participants of projects - the IT specialists - Multimedia presentations - Photo & video about workplacement Impact of the project and the long-term benefits: The participant who will work placement will have a certificate and the Europass, which will strengthen its professional CV. The project meets to support and complement the activities of member states of the European Union in the field of vocational training and lifelong learning, which aims at mutual derive from their experiences in this area. Learning mobility, ie transnational mobility for the purpose of acquiring new skills is one of the key ways to increase professional skills, acquire new experiences and contribute to personal development, particularly young people.
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