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Mobilność edukacyjna kluczem do drzwi kariery
Start date: Dec 31, 2015, End date: Dec 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project “Educational mobility a key to career door” is prepared by Zespół Szkół Zawodowych Nr 2 in Białystok in collaboration with non-governmental organization YouNet. It starts on 01.06.2015 and finishes on 01.06.2017. 20 students of our school will take part in this project – 10 students in occupation hairdresser and 10 students in occupation mechatronics. The dates of external tours: 26.09.2016r.-26.10.2016. The first group will consist of 8 students (4 hairdressers and 4 mechatronics students) and one teacher. The second group will consist of 12 students (6 hairdressers and 6 mechatronics students) and one teacher at term from 24.04.2017 to 25.05.2017. One teacher form school will accompany students in their stay in the foreign country. During the students internship, 6 teachers will arrive and will take part in one-week professional trainings, which will last in two terms: from 03.10.2016 to 13.10.2016 and from 03.05.2017 to 13.05.2017. Different teachers will take part in each training. The project basis on the system ECVET. In collaboration with other schools from Poland proposition of marking, validation and approval of participants achievements were elaborated. During the foreign internship students will improve their professional and linguistic qualifications as well as the general knowledge about Italy. The individual development of the participants will increase their professional mobility, ability to function in the multicultural community and will build their self-esteem. The achievement of two certificates – Mobility Europass and Linguistic Europass will be a great effect. A partnership group consists of local corporations, selected and checked by partner – Italian organization YouNet. The project cover: a) showing students the way of function Italian companies, b) acquiring the valuable professional competences, c) improving language competences (English/Italian), d) doing research in culture and history of Italian region, e) development of abilities of group work and in the multicultural community, f) putting the book learning from vocational subjects into practice, comparing Polish educational standards of vocational learning to double Italian system, completing shortcomings in vocational education by increasing the number of practical classes g) passing other target groups gaining experience and knowledge, which can be used during the vocational classes and can contribute to improve the quality of these classes. Taking part in the foreign internship will increase not only students vocational qualifications, but also the general knowledge about the word/Europe. Without possibility taking part in the foreign internship, the most of our students will not have a chance to know the newest solutions and technologies, new culture, other life styles, other mentality, as well as using the latest materials and interesting ideas in their future work. We try to make students more self-confident by teaching them the new linguistic abilities, professional and social skills. In the future these will help them to pick up challenges at work. What is more, taking part in classes and possibility to see work organization of local employers in Italy will help teachers to increase their professional skills. Their linguistic abilities will increased, too. Using in learning process the latest ideas will give school numerous benefits. The level of competitiveness will increased, too. The school will become more attractive place for the future students. The local service market in mechatronics and hairdresser industry will gain the well-qualified workers and the local society – well-prepared, self-confident, polite citizens. Taking part in the project will encourage their participant to developing professional abilities, especially to learning foreign languages and showing the latest technologies and materials. Mobility Europass, Linguistic Europass and Certificate give possibility to pass our students vocational abilities into European countries.

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