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Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Participants of this project will be 10 educational staff representatives from Schools Complex in Siennica. Implementation of the project will begin with project promotion to inform candidates about the opportunities offered by participation in the project; then we will conduct a recruitment process. After recruitment, participants will take part in preparatory classes and then leave for week long mobility in Portugal to take part in course on development of selected key competences in school. Every day the course will start with a lecture about one of the key competencies. After the break second part of the course will take place- in form of workshops / discussion involving the speaker, sometimes combined with visit in school or other institution related to education. On the day dedicated to culture issues, we planned special form of classes during which participants will learn about the cultural heritage of the host country and the ways of its sharing and dissemination. The main objective of project is to improve the work quality in our school – according to the assumptions set out in point D (of European Development Plan). Achieving it will allow to better prepare graduates to start adult life: with key competencies, formed under influence of the staff of our school- participants of the project, it will be easier for students to find job or continue their education. The project will bring outcomes consistent with the strategic frame objectives for European cooperation in education and training ‘Education and Training 2020’: • Implementation of the lifelong learning and mobility concept. • Improvement of quality and efficiency of education and training. • Promoting equality, social cohesion and active citizenship. • Enhancing creativity and innovation, including enterprise initiative, at all levels of education and training. The objective of the project is consistent with aims of Erasmus +: to improve level of key competencies and skills to meet the needs of labor market; to improve knowledge of foreign languages and promote linguistic and cultural diversity in the EU; broaden international dimension of training and education. During the project we will use methodology developed in earlier projects, involving clear distribution of workers’ tasks and permanent headmaster’s supervision of project activities. From first to last stage of the project documentation will be collected and project team will have clearly defined employees’ responsibilities. Expected hard results of the project: - Completion of cultural and linguistic preparation course, described in point. G.3 of the application; - Conducting the course on increasing professional qualifications of participants - described in point. H of the application; - Receiving by the participants certificate of language course, held as part of the preparatory activities; - Receiving by the participants the course completion certificate, issued by the partner; - Receiving by the participants the Europass Mobility document. Soft results: - Increasing participants’ professional qualifications; - Improving language skills; - Increasing motivation for self-improvement training and taking foreign languages courses; - Increasing professional and personal aspirations and increase of self-esteem; - Personal development of participants; - Development of tolerance and acceptance for cultural differences; - Integration of school staff. Material products: - Photos taken during the project; - Presentations outlining the project; - Materials obtained during evaluation of the project. Participants of the project, after completing mobility and returning to the country, will be able to share their knowledge and experience with other teachers from our facility, but also from other schools in our region, and apply new skills to work in our school. This will help to increase the level of work quality in our institution, but also in other schools in the neighborhood. The successful implementation of the project will show other educational institutions in our neighborhood that applying for Erasmus + subsidy makes sense, because taking part in project increase the teachers qualifications and improve prestige and appreciation of employing institution. Partner of the project will expand knowledge and skills useful in the development of international business. Project team members will get to know people raised up in different cultures, which will contribute to increase of their sensitivity to issues of intercultural dialogue and diversity of customs and behaviors in other European countries. Our students will benefit the most from their teachers taking part in the project- they will have the teachers who have gained abroad experience and are able to apply new teaching methods and encourage learning, communicate their knowledge clearly, develop key competencies of students so important for their personal development and useful in adult life.

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