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Mobilność edukacyjna kadry Społecznego Gimnazjum Startowa
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

'Educational Mobility of Startowa Junior High School Staff' was an educational project financed by the Erasmus+ program that lasted from June 1, 2015 to May 31, 2016, and was aimed at increasing the competence of our teachers by updating their knowledge, improving their language skills, and taking their teaching methods to a new level in order to make their teaching more effective and attractive to students. Moreover, our participation in the project was supposed to prepare some of our teachers to gradually introduce a number of classes taught using the CLIL method. We also hoped that our participation in the training courses would prepare us to help students with special needs how to acquire a foreign language more easily. Seven of our teachers participated in the project; they were three English teachers, a French and Spanish teacher, a chemistry teacher, a biology teacher, and a Polish teacher. During the project, the participants took part in two-week training courses abroad (in Dublin, London, Brighton, Oxford, Potsmouth, and Nice), and later shared the newly acquired knowledge and skills with their colleagues and other interested parties, and, most importantly, incorporated the new knowledge, skills, methods and attitudes into their own teaching. The programme proved to be very beneficial for our school, as all the main objectives were successfully accomplished, with some of them even exceeding our initial expectations. The participants of the project feel that they have become better teachers, with refreshed interest in their subject and their work; knowing more about the subject they teach; with a more modern, student-centred and democratic approach to teaching; using cutting-edge technology in their classrooms; and finally, having more understanding of the challenges faced by students with special needs, and better prepared to help them with their difficulties. Due to all this, their classes were regarded as better by the students, who became more interested in the subjects mentioned above, more engaged during the lessons, and even started achieving slightly better results. What is more, their participation in this international project showed our staff benefits of raising their qualifications and encouraged them to continue this trend in the future, thus helping us to gradually become a better school, attracting better, self-motivated students. And last but not least, all the participants feel that they are now true citizens of Europe, with new friendships all over the continent.

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