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Mobilność drogą do zawodowej przyszłości
Start date: Dec 31, 2014, End date: Dec 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The "Mobility the way to professional future" implemented from September 2014 to June 2016, provides 4 weeks professional practice in Portugal in Braga for six groups of participants. In total, in the project will participate 60 students (each group will go to practice with a tutor) ZS No. 2 CKU in Pyrzyce from the present classes I and II of the four-year professional technicians, receiving education in the profession of: - I TPS automotive technician - 12 students + 1 tutor - II TPS automotive technician - 10 students + 1 tutor - I TI computing technician - 12 students + 1 tutor - I TŻiUG nutrition and food services technician - 8 students + 1 tutor - I TH hotelier technician - 12 students + 1 tutor - II TH hotelier technician - 6 students + 1 tutor The participants (boys and girls) will be selected on the basis of the verification tests of English skills, the average grade of vocational subjects, evaluation of the behavior and the opinion of educators. Before leaving for Portugal, the students will participate in educational, cultural and linguistic workshops which are expanding their knowledge about life and work of the Partner residents’ of the country. The need for the project: Participation in the project is the result of the low attractiveness of locations, which according to the above directions of vocational training, the youth could have professional practice at European level. Students therefore have no way of confronting the level of implementation of these practices, and practical use of English language training. The students are not able to combine their knowledge of professional skills in reality European’s standards. This causes a lack of motivation for healthy competition in the pursuit of success. A completely different behavior is noted among the participants of the ongoing project of mobility. Indeed, they show more interest and activity in each of the above-mentioned field of teaching. After consultation with parents, students and teachers it was decided proceed to the next project. Its implementation therefore follows from the desire to more efficient prepariation of students for their future profession and their existing of national and European labor market. Objectives: The main objective of the project is to effectively preparation of students for professions in the fields of: automotive technician, computing technician, nutrition and food services technician, hotelier technician and the effective functioning of the European labor market. The specific objectives are: 1 Equip students with the practical skills which will be considered later on the European labor market and at the same time increasing the attractiveness of vocational education. 2 Stimulating creativity, openness and tolerance for a new cultures. 3 Increasing skills in a foreign language. The results achieved by the students: 1. Obtaining additional skills which are impossible to achieve in the country; 2. Improving language skills, especially in English language training and the basics of the Portuguese; 3. Increasing the mobility of the project and increase their chances of European and national labor market; 4. Strengthening the conviction of the benefits of knowledge in English giving a chance to the European labor market; 5. Obtaining new employment opportunities in the domestic labor market as an opportunity to develop their own region; 6. Training appropriate attitudes: activation of entrepreneurship, competitiveness, self-reliance, openness, tolerance, facilitating appropriate interpersonal communication necessary to perform trained profession abroad and coping with unusual situations; 7. Increasing the competence in independent and effective decision-making; 8. Training own work organization and teamwork skills and strengthening self-esteem; 9. To get the knowledge of the history, culture and living conditions, resting and working people who lives in Portugal. 10. Getting the Europass Mobility experience confirming CV and facilitating the work in EU countries; 11. Easier passing the exam from professional practice and creating the possibility of promotion to a higher grade; 12. Increasing the motivation to join to the National Qualification Exam Confirming Profession. Place and dates of practices: Participants will take 4-week professional practice in Portuguese partner (6 groups, 6 tutors), in Braga, within: 1 gr. I TH-4 persons, II TH-6 people - 13.04.2015-09.05.2015 2 gr. II TPS-10 people - 22.06.2015-17.07.2015 3 gr. I TPS-12 people - 17.08.2015-12.09.2015 4 gr. I TŻIUG-8 students - 14.09.2015-09.10.2015 5 gr. I TI-12 people - 07.03.2016-01.04.2016 6 gr. I TH-8 students - 04.04.2016-29.04.2016
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