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Mobilna Prešernova - z mednarodno učno mobilnostjo do boljše usposobljenosti in večje zaposljivosti
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

School of Economics Ljubljana is applying for the Mobility project for students (VET) for the third time. "Mobilna Prešrnova" project was allready successfully completed and we wish to take part in it again this year. With our ‘Mobilna Prešernova’ project we wish to upgrade our activities and projects. One of the strategic goals of our school is to improve the cooperation with companies home and abroad as well as to promote practical training which provides better employment opportunities for the students. There is a growing demand in international companies for staff who are fluent in foreign languages. Practical training in Slovenia, unfortunately, does not enable them to communicate in foreign languages. Moreover, students who have taken part in Erasmus projects, are at advantage when looking for a job. Being a part of such project is also one of the things we want to include in the promotion of our school. Active participation in such mobility project enables students to obtain key competences and skills by doing practical training in international environment. They improve their knowledge of foreign languages, get acquainted with other forms of work, cultures and working environment, enhance ambitions and innovativeness, all of which highly increase their future employment possibilities in EU.Twenty students in the third and fourth year, will be included in the project. Students will be chosen based on specific criteria. The practical training will last for three weeks (ten students will go to Milan, the other ten to Vienna). Some of the students will be minors. We also wish to offer this experience to students who come from lower-income families. Students will be accompanied by two teachers. The mobility is expected to take place between 23 October and 13 November 2016. To ensure the best possible project realization, we have decided to look for partner organizations in Austria and Italy. Both organizations have many years of experience with organizing professional practical training and cooperation on EU mobility projects. Together with these two partners we will provide and organize insurance, transport, accommodation, food, public transport tickets, support and escort. Before the departure we will provide psychological, orientation and cultural preparation. One of the reasons students will participate in practical training abroad is to gain professional experience, to improve professional qualifications and competences, learn about the customs, habits, culture and history of the country, improve language competences, especially in English, German and Italian language. Students will get a plan of work, which will later also serve as one of the ways of assessing the goals of the project. Every student who will successfully finish the practical training will get a certificate (diploma) which will be attached to the General Certificate of Secondary Education. European document Europass will contain details about completed tasks and gained skills. This can later serve as a great recommendation when looking for a job. The certificate of received credit points, based on ECVET will further allow recognition of the qualifications achieved during the mobility period. We will make sure other students from our school, their parents and future students will all be informed about the knowledge and skills gained through active participation in this mobility project. The report will be published on our website, via facebook page, school newspaper, e-twinning platform as well as in other media. A brochure for Open days will be made. An article about successfully finished mobility will be published in newspaper and online. Our experiences will also be shared among the students of other school when attending various meeting, seminars and in the new project ESCAPE. We are aware that long-term dissemination is extremely important. Gained experience and knowledge will be included in our school curriculum. Moreover, potential employers will be informed about our project and its benefits. We also wish to share the experience we have gained by using ECVET when cooperating with other schools.By participating in this project, we strongly believe our students will improve their professional and language competences, increase their knowledge by working in a company abroad, gain communication skills, meet new people and thus experience an unforgettable and extremely useful training. Such experience will undoubtedly improve motivation of students at school, their personal growth and, at the same time, increase the possibility and desire for future employment.
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