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Mobility project for better professional competences to be acquired in German and Turkish company placements
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Under the ERASMUS+ KA1 mobility project our school?s 12-12 students spent their one-month professional practice in Turkey and in Germany between 1-28 March, 2015. The students specializing in Trade Marketing and Information Technology were chosen from different classes on the basis of the criteria predetermined by the project team (motivational letter, CV in the foreign languages, interview). Before travelling the students had attended to a 60-hour-course including the foreign language, and the cultural knowledge of the target countries. The language lessons consisted of general communicative and professional language tasks. 2-2 teachers took part in the mobility program in both target countries who helped the work of the children and their prosperity in the foreign environment. The aim of our mobility project was to support the competences (knowledge, skills and attitudes) of the students, and their personal improvement during the time of the preparation and the professional practice.The students were in working contact with the colleagues of different nationality and could familiarize with the technologies, methods, products of the foreign countries. In Turkey the students spent their working practice in 3 hotels, in 8 hours per day. The practice has been implemented in accordance with the professional content. Besides, there was a possibility to develop the students' personality in the foreign environment, by adapting to the cultural customs they could get acquainted with real life situations in the world of work. In the beginning it was difficult for more of them. Different tasks were carried out at the reception, the kitchen, the tea bar and the spa area. In addition to the lot of experiences, whether at work or in the field of culture, really good friendships were born during the month. The expectations have been fulfilled properly in the field of integration, the responsible work and the communication in a foreign language. The cooperation was perfect with the host organization. The Turkish Project Coordinator?s responsible work and effort greatly helped the stay of the students. The host teachers helped the everyday life with their hospitality. They presented their school, their education system, their city and on a weekend's program the students could go sightseeing in the capital city. On several occasions it was possible to take part in class visits. Three times a week the teachers monitored the students in their workplaces, so as a result of keeping in touch with the superiors of the children a good and regular relationship developed. In Germany, the students were placed in separate practice areas, under real working conditions, in various commercial places. The IT students expanded their knowledge of information and data collection within the context of office work. The travel from the accommodation to the workplace were solved independently by different means of transport. Due to the good preparedness of the students they prospered in the foreign language environment. The teachers visited the workplaces regularly and kept in touch with the employer. For the weekends they organized free-time programs. Each student wrote the daily tasks had been carried out, the experience had been gained and the cultural knowledge on a daily basis in their diary. As an acknowledgment the students were given an Europass Mobility document.
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