European Projects
Mobilités vers une pédagogie efficiente européenne
Mobilités vers une pédagogie efficiente européenne
Start date: Jun 2, 2016,
End date: Jun 1, 2018
Involved in European projects since 2000, our school would like to offer volunteer teachers the opportunity to immerse themselves into partner schools, thus overcoming the boundaries imposed by the peripheral situation of Dunkerque and meeting the local challenges (preventing early school leaving, unemployment,…)Developing awareness of a European citizenship thanks to exchanges between teachers and pupils and promoting the teaching of languages has become our priority. Our contract of objectives focuses on these aims. -preventing early school leaving-Strengthening the educational community-Opening out and developing partnerships.Studying and comparing working methods can help us benefit from them and achieve our goals more effectively. Having consulted our teams on their aspirations concerning their training and their needs, we realized that they massively wanted to improve their language skills, their use of new technologies and upgrade their personal teaching, pedagogical and organizational methods by comparing with other countries. The participants are active members of the group involved in international activities. They know the programmes and have a basic core of values: active and tolerant European awareness based on diversity, firm belief that that formation is essential to give our students, our colleagues and our school authorities a view of a complete educational system with future prospects of improving our own and for new curriculum for college 2016. They will be keen to ensure the dissemination and present our own way of functioning. The fundamental aim of the project is to observe new methods in foreign language teaching, as a main subject and in Content and Language Integrated Learning. Choosing a Spanish school and an English school will enable us to monitor didactical results for first foreign language and second foreign language.The subjects taught in English will be PE, maths and science, and techno will be taught in Spanish. At the same time; contacts with other schools will offer the participants further opportunities to create new Erasmus¨+ projects. The opportunity to observe the diversity of the educational systems and be part of them as teachers is an invaluable source of richness in numerous aspects (Managing international teams, operation of a school, assessment of pupils, cultural diversity management policy, language learning, observance of the rules, dialogue with the parents, differentiated education, extracurricular activities, functioning of the associations inside the school, use of new technologies, hierarchy and authorities, local and national guidelines, use of CLIL for foreign languages.)As part of the project, a consortium will be organized between primary, lower and upper secondary schools, and possibly university, positioning itself as a hub of language teaching and European openness.Added to the Comenius / Erasmus + projects carried out for 16 years in our school, a SEPIA (Soutien à l'Expérimentation Pédagogique et à l'Innovation dans l'Académie = Supporting Pedagogical Experimentation and Innovation in the Academy) project will be implemented in view of getting the CLIL certification and will be a key element of this excellence.The activities carried out will be based upon observation and participation in the activities both inside and outside school. We will also plan meetings with the administration members, the head teachers, the parents’ associations and other local structures offering a different educative approach.The means of action for this project will be immersion in the host school, so that the participants become full members of the community. The expected outcome is the acquisition of teaching and analyzing methods, the improvement of communication skills (linguistic and social) and the opening up of new channels and possibilities for European cooperation. All this will have an impact on several levels:-individual: improvement of the skills and use of evolutionary pedagogical tools-local: in the host school (through the mobility report) as well as in the sending school because the pupils will benefit from the better educational performance of the participating teachers.-general : in the two countries’ educational communities, because the results of this experience will be profitable to staff currently in post and to future participants.The long-term benefits are linked to the impact: training in foreign language teaching is essential to raise the long-lasting low level of skills in this field in France.This project is an approach to combat the inertia of non-linguistic French teachers not very confident in their skills in foreign languages.It is within this framework that experimenting innovative methods can have positive effects on our environment by improving our skills.