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Mobilité professionnelle dans un pays anglophone
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Project summary Context and project summary : Our school plan at Jean Mermoz aims at promoting geographical and professional mobility for pupils taking part in a European section and preparing a vocational certificate in management and administration. Motivation is a key element for our selected pupils to take advantage of a five-week language and professional-oriented stay in Dublin, Ireland (one week in a language school and four weeks in work placement). This stay is organized and managed by an organization chosen by our school. This stay allows them to develop the skills required to pass their exams and to get the Europass and the label "European section" on their diploma. Number and profile of the participants : There are usually 10 participants ages 17 to 20 for each mobility. They can sometimes come from disadvantaged backgrounds. We can notice a predominance of girls within this section. Self-willed and motivated, these pupils sometimes leave France for the first time. They are eager to know other horizons. They are aware of what this mobility can bring them in term of cultural opening, control of the English language, and personal enrichment. Activities : Cultural and linguistic preparation upstream 1-week English classes in a certified language school in Dublin, Irland 5-week accomodation in Irish host families, 4-week work placement in Irish companies Valuation of the project on the way back Project management methodology : Sélection of the partner organization by invitation to tender and inspection on site, Language, cultural and professional preparation by the concerned teaching staff Diagnostic assessment of pupils' skills in English on the phone prior to mobility Assembly pupils'individual files for their stay Search for work placements and host families with our partner organization, Administrative and educational management by the concerned supervisors, Temporary assessment by the partner organization and final assessment of the work placement by the teaching supervisors Personal improvement and better self-esteem after a successful experience abroad. Return of the stay on the site of the school, powerpoint and exhibition présented to the other pupils, ceremony of the Europass Results and expected impact : Discovery of an English speaking environment Fight against early school leaving and orientation by default More motivation thanks to professional mobility experience abroad Improvement of oral and written language skills in English Personal enrichment and better self esteem after a decisive experience abroad Long term potential benefits : - The "Europeen section" indication on their vocational certificate favours the continuation of studies and make easier occupational integration (employment area close to Roissy Airport). - Promotion of our school image and of course quality of the training given by the European section staff.
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4 Partners Participants