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Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our project MOPA, Mobility for Post Apprentices, is connected to EUROSTART program designed by Ile de France Regional Council in 2009. Eurostart aims to enhance mobility for apprentices. It stopped in 2013 with the end of Leonardo mobility European Program and is now renewed within Erasmus+.MOPA is designed as a European gap year for apprentices and includes three periods:• 2 months from October to DecemberThe apprentice studies in France within his "CFA" , French Apprenticeship Center. He benefits from a language course, a cultural preparation and a training on professional project and skills.• 5 months from January to MayFull time work placement in a British company. The apprentice is accommodated in a host family and monitored by a local hosting organization and his CFA trainers.• 1 month in JuneBack to his CFA, the apprentice is trained to certify his professional skills on Europass-mobility and his linguistic skills via Europass linguistic Passport and TOEIC.We intend to send 30 participants in two flows: 15 participants from October 16 to June 17 and 15 participants from October 17 to June 18. Participants will be selected among apprentices who pass a HND at CFA Descartes or CFA CODIS or CFA CIFCA all located in Ile de France. Selection process will include an application form and an interview in which British Hosting organization will be involved in order for them to secure appropriate work placements afterwards. During this gap year, participants will be registered as jobseekers and will benefit from unemployment allowance.These apprentices started working very young and never realized the importance of mastering foreign languages. However when they apply to University or to graduate apprenticeship they are faced to their weaknesses. Through this long period abroad, the program aims at enabling these apprentices to achieve their professional goal . As CFA Descartes had no experience as a promoter for a European Mobility Project, he appointed the previous Eurostart mobility project manager to coordinate this project and benefit from her experience. This project fully corresponds to CFA Descartes European Development plan and will allow the CFA to extend its training offer, its service to apprenticeship companies and to support his apprentices towards success .Two hosted organizations are involved in this project, one located in Wales and one near Brighton, in order to secure qualitative placements and monitor all along the Erasmus+ mobility period for the participants. Our project is supported by Ile de France Regional Council. As it includes apprentices from two CFA who do not have the capacity to manage their own mobility project yet, It also fulfills the Ile de France desire to create a joint program between several CFA’s.
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