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Mobilité Européenne Pour un Avenir Professionnel Ouvert
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

For their Baccalaureat Professionnel certification in ‘Sales and Trade’, our pupils have to achieve training periods in companies in order to discover the demands of the professional world and to put into practice their skills and knowledge learnt in class. The professional integration of young people is subjected to the pressure of a difficult and increasingly competitive economic environment. In this context, the practice of a foreign language has become a leading criterion for employability. With this in mind, the Lycee des Metiers Florian wants to allow pupils of European sections to perform a training period in a company located in Spain or in the United Kingdom, during their final year. Recruited by a motivational interviewing and language tests, the pupils of the european section will have professional education courses in the chosen language (english or spanish) and strengthened language courses to get the ‘Section Europe’ mention on the Baccalaureat certificate. They will hence get more value out, from a future employer, of their professional skills, acquired in a country of the European Union. The training period abroad will provide an opportunity for pupils to professionally grow in a different linguistic and cultural universe. And for some of them, it will be the first experience of living in a foreign country and will make them be also aware of the reality of the European project construction. This training period will occur in November 2014 after one year spent in a European section class. We launched an invitation to tender bids to select contractors, both in Spain and in UK, according to specifications prepared by the teaching staff: full board accommodation in host families, a 5-week internship with a linguistic support and discovery of the environment. The Erasmus+ application of the Lycee Florian is the opportunity for the european section pupils to live a very fulfilling and beneficial experience, on a human and professional level. Furthermore, this application is part of a larger European project mobilizing all disciplines (a two-week internship for pupils in Hairdressing CAP is in project), creating a European pole and reinforcing the partnership with the city information and referral center, providing advice, information and incentives to mobility in Europe. This project is finally part of a wider policy of international opening that led the Lycée des Métiers Florian to engage in a partnership with hairdressing schools in Japan. And we receive each year fifty students of these schools.

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