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Mobilité en Europe pour développer les compétences professionnelles et linguistiques des élèves de Bac Pro tertiaires
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Lycée des métiers Jean Perrin is a vocational school located in Longjumeau , 20km South of Paris.Our school offers studies in different fields of activities: Services , Health and care and Industry.From November 2002 until now , our school has been involved in a European programme which is part of the school’s curriculum. This programme makes it possible for students to go on a work placement in a European English speaking country.In 2003 we launched the “European project” with a group of secretarial students.They were in their last year of studies , in “terminale bac pro”.Since then several groups of students , all from the secretarial section , went on a work placement either in Ireland or in England depending on the service provider.Within the school a guiding committee is set. There are 6 members:The head of the school , the account manager, the head of the service department, the management teacher ( also teaching business English) and two English teachers.In 2012 a new section opened at Lycée des métiers Jean Perrin in administrative management .This is group is involved in the European programme of the school.For this new project the students concerned will be in their last year in administrative management ( “terminale gestion administration”)Here is the list of the main objectives of the programme :•Opening to European Culture and developing European awareness among our students.Indeed Europe shouldn’t be considered as a mere concept. Through this project interest for the European Union becomes a reality. •Allowing students to become more motivated by their studies.It can help them to avoid dropping out school. Early school leaving is a real problem in French vocational schools today and too many young people leave school without any qualifications.The project can become something students are looking forwards to.•Giving students in the administrative and management section better access to higher education . In that field of study a good level in English is required. Most of our students continue their studies in a two-year technical degree called BTS as management assistant, accounting financial services or secretarial and office skills.•Allowing our students to discover new working methods . In fact The English or Irish work routine is different from what we do in France.•Gaining self-confidence. Our students have had problems throughout their years in secondary school. When they first arrive in a vocational school they don’t trust the school system anymore , they have a bad opinion about it and they think they won’t have as many opportunities in their future as others do. Thanks to the European programme they can change their mind and discover that vocational schools can also have worthwile and innovative projects.•Developing a taste for going abroad . Once they have had this experience they are willing to to go in another country and renew the experience.A service provider is necessary to organize professional internships abroad.•To find the appropriate company in relation with the students ‘studies, and his/her skills or abilities.•To ensure the regular monitoring to each student and help them if necessary in their relation with the families or the companies.•to meet the students on arrival and help them make integration easier.•To provide appropriate accommodation with host families,people willing to accept French students in their homes.•To operate as an intermediate link between the students and their companies or families if necessary.These service providers are chosen on the quality of services offered.We have already worked with several of them : Interconnection, INI, Eurostaff, TestEnglish,CEIWhenever we want to send a group on a work placement abroad we ask for a quotation to different service providers and we select the company which offers the best service.The next work experience abroad should take place in January 2017; It would be a five week period in Ireland. 10 students from the administrative management group should take part in the project.
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