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Mobilité de stages en Europe pour les Arts Graphiques
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Lycée de la Communication St Géraud is a vocational and technical High School whose training mainly concern Design and Applied Arts, particularly Graphique Design. The objective of this 4th project of VET mobility, called "European Placement Mobility for Graphic Arts" (MobilArtGraph 2015-2017), is to organize placement periods for our students and periods of formation for our VET personnel. Since 2010, this will be our 6th mobility project after 3 Leonardo da Vinci and 2 Erasmus Charters in a Placement Consortium. The nature of our formations involves a real commitment towards mobility, whether it be intellectual, geographical or cultural, the various origins of our students (coming from 50 French departments) being a vivid testimony of that state of mind. This project will concern 12 students and 4 staff over a peiod going from June,1, 2015 to May, 31, 2017. Our pupils follow Graphic Design, Decoration or Signage trainings (Bac Pro and Brevet des Métiers d'Arts - level IV, or CAP - level V). They will do 3-week to 6-week placement periods in companies or VET institutions. The staff taking part to the project will either be teachers in professional, artistic or techonlogical subjects in English, or personnel involved in the management of mobilities in order to improve good practices, benefitting from the experience of our partners. Our objectives aim at improving the professional and personal skills of the participants, reinforcing the European dimension of the teaching and making our institution more attractive, making our school sustainably rooted in European mobility projects lying on faithful, varied and quality partners. They are from 5 different countries : Belgium, Finland, Romania, Spain and the United Kingdom. Our High School has previously been impacted by our mobility projects, as for internal or external communication, or the creation of new formations : one European section in Bac Pro (including teaching professionals skills in English), and one BTS Fashion and Textile Design (Higher education - level III). With this new project, we expect that dynamic image to grow and to allow us to offer more opportunities to more students who will register in our school, to enlarge our sustain our partnership, locall or at an international level.

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