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Mobilité - Adaptabilité - Responsabilité : Je prends mon avenir en main
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Jean Baptiste Poquelin high school is located 20 km West of Paris, in Yvelines shire, at the heart of Saint Germain en Laye ( 41000 inhabitants) residential town, rich in history and in culture with a very marked international character. This multi-purpose establishment of 1500 pupils is the oldest of the 8 high schools which counts the municipality. It proposes a big variety of formations mainly in the tertiary domain, the Spanish European Section for the technological sections, the English European section for the professional sections Management / administration, an European formation for the professional sections sales and trade and a BTS International trade (equivalent to a BTEC Higher National Diploma in International Business) Our project can allow 28 pupils (15 girls and 13 boys), stemming from 6th year of high school diplomas sales and trade and from Final year of high school diploma Management / administration, to make an immersion stay in England. (3 weeks 1/2 for Sale / business and 4 weeks 1/2 for Management / administration). The durations are imposed by the imperatives of the examination. The project leans on the expectation to improve the gratitude and the organization of the professional program following different observations as a bad image of the pupils directed by default, an expectation of the labor market and a bad preparation to follow higher studies. It seems a priority to supply to these students modern ways to succeed and which will allow them to appear competent, open-minded, more confident in their school program and on the labor market. We use several management tools as boards, files, forms, agreements and set up a charter and an intent letter for example. This is to bring this project to success and evolves in very good conditions. As for the previous projects, we began by defining the main actions to be led and the division of responsibilities of each according to the experiences and the skills. Although the tasks are distributed within the teaching staff, one of the teachers and the management assistant insure the coordination of the project. This team benefits from the financial support and from the support of the administration staff of the high school associated with the assembly and with the follow-up of the various actions connected to the project. The linguistic and cultural educational preparation is made throughout their 3 years formation in the vocational high school diploma. The pupils receive a specific formation by an English teacher (1 hour) and by a teacher of the main professional subject in English language (2 hours). They attend conferences, debates, participate to different meetings about Europe. They organize their own travels in English (in particular two days of discovery in London). The objectives and results expected for the pupils are the improvement of their level of English which can allow them to obtain the European Mention in the high school diploma, The Europro, the Europass Mobility certification and the success of their personal project regarding to their motivation: the high school diploma (with distinction), following chosen studies, participating to a professional integration. Those for the positive future of the project are the adequacy between the skills expected by the companies and those of the students, valuation of the vocational field mainly at the local level. The county is well-known for the success of its elite stream and the incitement to develop European Sections in high schools. As regards to the mobility, to assure an excellent quality to this project, we call upon an onsite partner with whom we have already worked. The mobility will take place to Portsmouth. This human-sized city has a network of contacts well adapted to our students. The partner mainly provides the selection of host families and host companies, the assistance of the onsite trainees, the communication with the various partners and the teachers. The students are accompanied during their installation, followed during their mobility and evaluated at the end of internship by their teachers. At the end of their stay they create, then present orally, a professional file in English and a slide show on their experience in England. They spread articles on the web site of the high school and in the local newspapers. Besides the certification EUROPASS MOBILITY, their mobility is valued by the assessment grid and the certificate of internship corresponding to the regulation of their exam signed by their work placement’s tutor. If they pass the specific exam, the students who follow a European section will get «European Distinction " specified on the diploma “baccalauréat” and the others the Europro. In the long term, although the sustainability of our project is assured, we work on its improvement to be more autonomous.

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