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Mobilitate Erasmus+Competente pentru Piata Muncii!
Start date: Oct 10, 2016, End date: Oct 9, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Economic College ‘’F.S. Nitti” of Timisoara, intends to begin a project that is going to last for 12 months, under the title “Erasmus Mobility and Competences for the Working Domain” to make the 10th grade students accomplish the skills, competences and professional knowledge in an international context and, making them valid abroad for professional development and enhanced chances for professional integration, and to assure the development of VET teachers, being able to respond to the needs of the school, to enrich the quality of students’ training in order to make their performances higher.The Economic College “F.S. Nitti” is a famous school in the Western part of Romania. It has experience as a partner in deploying POSDRU projects, and in writing and deploying one Leonardo da Vinci project.The objectives of the project will be accomplished through the teachers and students’ mobility.The mobility will be in Portugal, and the partners are the following:-a public Portgual school, AGRUPAMENTO DE ESCOLAS ALCOCHETE. -three companies: Sabor Mineiro that represent a chain of restaurants having three in Lisbon; Sana Hotels a four stars hotel situated in the centre of Lisbon, Pingo Doce that belongs to the Portugal group Geronimo Martins that has as a main activity the distribution of foodstuff in supermarkets and cash and carry markets.Students from the Economic College “F. S. Nitti” will be part of this project, following the technological domain, the 10th grade with the professional field of foodstuff, tourism and trade.The 54 selected students will deploy their practicing probation during 90 hours in Portugal, being organized in three groups as follows:Group 1-18 participants (six students from each domain and two joining teachers).Group 2-18 participants ( six students from each domain and two joining teachers). Group 3-18 participants (( six students from each domain and two joining teachers). 7 teachers teaching from the Economic College “F. S. Nitti” are included in this project, they teach subjects specialized in Foodstuff, Turism and Trade domains, and they have never before been part of a mobility project.The teachers will enrich their knowledge regarding the structure of the teaching curricula and the way the teaching process is organized, the methods of theaching the specialized subjects, cultural values of other countries and the skills regarding teamwork, competences in applying technics centred on the students to enrich their progress.The project implies the mobility of 67 persons out of whom 54 students , 6 joining teachers and 7 teachers.The estimated budget is 147266 EURO.Expected results:1) At least 6% of the students of our college take part in professional acquisition in another country, out of whom 20% belonging to a disfavoured category obtain europass and the recognition through ECVET of the obtain results.2) At least 15% of the teachers take part to the VET mobility every other year, to get specialized in other countries3) At least 2 cooperation agreements are settled for a year with Vet schools/UE companies.
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