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Mobilität von Einzelpersonen
Start date: Nov 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Through the individual mobility, or job shadowing, we want to professionalize our organization and our training courses and adapt them according the development of our society, focused on our participants, such as, job-seekers and migrants, to give them a chance in their personal and professional development. We can only face this task, if we open up ourselves to other stakeholders and if we are looking for an exchange with them. This is very important in particular for small organizations. A look outside our ordinary environment, and in this case, beyond the borders, opens perspectives and new ways. We can negotiate with the new experiences and increase our quality of education in our groups and participants in the training courses. These experiences affect all areas of work such as management skills, personal skills, possible fields of application of the trainers, such as new learning and teaching methods in the field of lifelong learning. Improving language skills is another desired goal of an international exchange. After approval of the project proposal, we originally planned to participate on a course in Salzburg: Future Forum of the Adult Education: Between the Enlightenment and Economization — On Adult Education between the Conflicting Priorities of the Educational Mandate and the Job Market. This Future Forum 2015 was devoted to the main topics of what educational mandates mean under current conditions and how the name “Adult Education Centre” can be positively, attractively and confidently positioned in its tradition of the enlightenment, emancipation and democracy. The following questions should be discussed at the meeting: What do adult education centres want to be and what do they stand for? Towards what should education be oriented and around what should learning and educational offerings for adults be organized? The requirements of the market, professional applicability? How important are social participation and active democratic participation? How is non-profit adult education different from offerings provided by commercial providers? What can the representatives of adult education do to avoid being worn down by the contradictory requirements of clients, funding authorities, politics and business? What would educational offerings look like that met the requirements of democracy, a good life and happiness and also helped the job market? Unfortunately, the training was canceled at short notice after our application, so we were forced to look for a replacement event. We found it and then and we could enroll in a training event in Nuremberg. Symposium: To shape new educational pathways New ways of networking in the local educational landscape. Is the learning person and thus the educational biography of citizens in focus, is any change of perspective necessary? It is the task of the institutions, more intensive, systematic and targeted to cooperate. The activities should be seen as part of a system to support the learning people. The central theme of the conference was the context of lifelong learning in the wide variety of venues and their effective networking. Renowned speakers from science presented current research results, experts from practice reported on concrete models of cooperation from different towns - as well as on the successful networking of libraries with other local educational institutions such as community colleges or cultural centers. Originally 3 individual mobility were provided: speakers of our courses as well as employees of the Volkshochschule. We have applied to increase the number of participants to 4, so that more people could have the benefit of the planned exchange. It accompanied us: 1 speaker of the Academy 50+ to meet new learning and teaching methods to apply immediately to the groups; 2 employees of the project development in the VHS (director and coordinator): in order to promote their personal development, stimulate innovative thinking, and to develop new project ideas for our region and to support the newly acquired skills in our organization. 1 Member of the Board of Directors: in order to discuss as leader of the VHS about possible future trends and to discuss current issues with like-mined-persons. As a long-term target, the project will become a creative exchange between all parties in order to obtain maximum experiences and new ideas.
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