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Mobilität in der dualen Ausbildung des hamburgischen Hotel- und Gaststättengewerbes 2015-2017
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The facilitation of the target group rests on strengthening the European dimensions of vocational training, enhancing the transparency of occupational training systems and working habits as well as the possibility of learning professional added qualifications. The ultimate goal is to learn as much as possible from one another within the boarders of Europe. The Public Vocational School Hospitality and Nutrition (G11) entails three different parts adding up to about 2.500 students. It is the only college within the city of Hamburg educating in the fields of catering industry and meat processing industry. It covers all aspects starting from occupational orientation and preparation, dual apprenticeship to qualifications earned at professional schools and master classes. The main focus lies on dual apprenticeship and vocational preparation. Dual training will take place for the following fields of occupation: specialist within the field of hotel management, specialist within the field of restaurant management, specialist within the field of catering industry, specialist within the field of hotel and restaurant industry and culinary chef. Also found under the same roof are the vocational college for the meatpacking industry which offers two fields of occupation - butcher and specialist within the field of meatpacking industry – as well as the vocational business and economics college which is widely known as a school of hotel management. Classes at the vocational college(s) have been set up due to the elected concentrations and not because of former education or working experiences. Our mission statement reads “About practical experience, with practical experience, for practical experience”. All participants of this project are mostly within their second out of three years of their apprenticeship. The apprenticeship syllabus shows a general studies based working experience for the first part whereas it intends a joined specialization plus demands a specific concentration for each individual apprenticeship type during the second part. The G 11 apprentices are being trained in class as well as at their training properties and companies (=dual system). Classes are being held en block meaning two blocks of five to six weeks per year. About 64 apprentices are being able to receive grants for this programme each year. Training facilities and G 11 have to approve the application process. The G11 as well as the participant(s) have to inform the chamber of commerce and the German hotel and restaurant association (DEHOGA). Goals and learning agreement have especially been tailored to the participants needs. The hotel and catering industry situated in the city of Hamburg is widely recognized and of highly international importance. Its international focus is the figurehead of the cities tourism industry. Outgoing mobility arrangements usually does not exceed three weeks length. This way more willing and interested participating apprentices are attracted while a too long absence from school is avoided. No harm in regards to a later reintegration into the former class as well as the curriculum or mid term is being done. During the first half of the first week the participants will be taking language skills and area studies classes. They will also be having the opportunity to join industry based excursions, tours and site inspections in order to compare and discuss the differences to their home company. The following practicum gives the students a good overview of the practical experiences needed in order to fulfil the desired outcome and/or position. Specific goals are service oriented workshops as well as the eagerness to gain additional trading skills in the departments kitchen, restaurant and reception. Extended non-industry specific language skills will be set into a determined cultural and occupational setting. Partnering countries include Spain, Italy, France, Czech Republic, Austria, Sweden and UK. A direct approach between all participating countries and partners is possible due to an excellent long lasting relationship and good standing to one another. The collaboration between instructors, trainers, trainees, apprentices, professors, agencies, chambers of commerce, governmental departments and social partners fosters content and organisational requirements. This guarantees a systematic transnational continuing education in the field of hotel and catering management in regards to content and intercultural relations. The incorporation of new ideas into the apprenticeship enlarges the chances of each individual apprentice with in the European labour market. Reports and outcomes will be yearly refined by the supervisory schooling authorities (HIBB) in order to ensure regional and national publications and evaluations. A stay abroad expands teachers' competence in the field of international experience. Networking and coordination of partners promotes the development and certification of modules in reference to ECVET.

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