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Mobilità europea per lo sviluppo delle competenze formative nel settore della cura per gli anziani
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The consortium proposing the project consists of 6 different kinds of entities in which SERN (applicant) will act as the coordinator of the project consortium consisting of two municipalities and three public companies . The total number of mobilities is equal to 32 jobshadowing activities in Sweden and 13 mobilities for participation in training activities at the University of Pori ( Finland).The consortium has developed a training plan for European development consisting of four parts: a) Needs assessment ( individual and organizational ) b) Key areas for improvement c) Actions to meet the training needs identified d) Assessment and Enhancement . On the basis of the training needs , the consortium has identified three areas for improvement :1 . Improve the intercultural competence of the staff participating in the mobility2 . Develop training skills in the assessment and development of staff working within care services for the elderly3 . Develop or enhance the European dimension of education in the participating organizationsOn the basis of training needs and areas for improvement identified by the European development plan activities are planned for jobshadowing in the social services of the municipalities of Norrkoping and Linkoping and specific training activity at the University of Pori (FI) together with the Swedish collegues. The jobshadowing activities will take place at social services of local authorities in Sweden.In particular, the activities planned in the jobshadowing are: 1. Observation of the organization of the hosting organization . 2 . Follow the daily coordinator of the host service . 3 . Observe the the team work within the service host 4 . Participate in actiovities organized by the staff of the host service 5 .Prticipate in training sessions aimed at staff development.The expected results will include: 1. innovation in the training activities pertaining theperformance evaluation system of the staff working in the services. 2 . improved capacity to better manage the intercultural dynamics within the work environment .3 . improved ability to propose the implementation of innovative solutions . 4 . a stronger European dimension and greater internationalization within organizations. In particular, the intercultural competencies of the staff participating in the mobility will be improved through participation in training activities in Sweden and Finland both directly and through the lived experience through new knowledge and cultural approaches that host organizations implement a daily basis. Skills in the assessment and development of staff working within care services for the elderly will be strengthened. A European dimension of education will be created or reinforced.The Consortium identified, as the target group of the training and mobility activities, staff who has responsibility for training within their organizations . Regarding the impact of the project is possible to identify three main areas:1 . Impact on individual participants : Individuals participating in mobility will increase their professional skills , cultural and communicative2 . Impact on target groups: the staff employed in staff training will gain new tools and new information to be used in their professional training .
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