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Mobilisierung von Lehrkräften zur Einführung des bilingualen Unterrichts im naturwisschenschatflich-sportlichen Bereich zur Integration von ausländischen Gast-/Sportschülern sowie eine damit verbundene Internationalisierung
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The plan of introducing bilingual courses as a preliminary pilot scheme in science and sports classes is based on the quantity of foreign guest students and competitive athletes at our school. Main aspects of the project comprise the encouragement of the English communication and the cultural interests of pupils as well as a better integration of foreign students into the classes and thus into daily school life. Furthermore, our aim is to strengthen our pupils' social competence as well as their self-confidence, particularly that of the atheletes during international competitions and their appearances in the press with regard to using the English language. On the long term, we strive for an improved preparation of our pupils when deciding for scientific or sports studies, maybe even on an international level, especially with regard to English specialist literature. Initially, two teachers are to be established as co-ordinators of said pilot scheme: a science teacher (biology/chemistry) as well as an economy teacher who is at the same time sports co-ordinator. Both teachers are supposed to participate in a fortnight training course dealing with the planning and applying of bilingual classes. Subsequently, after a period of four months for planning and preparation as well as idea exchange with other schools, the first bilingual classes are to be introduced in science and sports within single units. A two-fold evaluation (April/July 2016) of the new course model by pupils, colleagues and the principal will eventually reveal the potential success of the pilot scheme at the end of the term. By means of bilingual classes, we aspire to higher quality of the courses, an increased motivation and an enhanced interest as well as a broadened professional and social competence of the pupils. Particularly with reference to our athletes, we hope to increase their confidence as to the English communication in public during international competitions and press appearances. Foreign guest students are to be better integrated into classes and daily life by means of bilingual classes. In the long run, our pupils will achieve a well-grounded basis for their future studies, maybe even international studies, in science and sports - bilingual classes will facilitate the use of English professional literature. Taking a worldwide progressing globalisation into account, the confident use of English as world language will be a matter of course.

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