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Mobilisierung des Personals zur weiteren Verbesserung der Methodik und Motivierung der Schüler beim Erlernen der Fremdsprache
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In our projekt we want to mobilize our staff to improve the methods of learning a foreign language and to find better ways of motivation for the students. Our aim is a better understanding of the international scope of a better mastery of a foreign language for students and teachers. Two paticipants will exchange their experience with the teachers at our school and they are responsible for the further improvement of their knowledge. The colleagues will take part in a two weeks course. They will try and learn new methods of foreign language teaching and possibilities to motivate the students in a better way. They will learn to use the new media in their lessons. Besides they will get information about the usage of e twinning. And they will contact teachers from other countries to exchange experience. We expext an improvement of the quality of the foreign language teaching at our school. In the long term our school wants to get contacts with international partners.
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