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Mobile Training for Home and Health Caregivers For People with Disabilities and Older People
Start date: Jan 1, 2014,

European people with disabilities (especially those with mobility impairments) depend heavily on personal care givers (PCGs). While this assistance is crucial in ensuring a daily quality of life (assisting with basic tasks such as getting dressed, eating, taking a bath/shower), it is still quantitatively and qualitatively a huge problem. Few PCGs get a proper training, if any, while such formal training hardly exists in EU countries. Most PCGs are low skilled, have to be trained on the field, thus making it a very laborious and at the same time a tricky "adventure" for people with disabilities, but equally for e.g. older people who make use of them. Raising competence levels of these low-skilled people to be benefit of care recipients is at the core of M-CARE. It aims to ensure that VET centres can offer such training anywhere anytime, for low-skilled people (without jobs), or people that want to extend their service provision (independent nurses, caretakers, etc.). Blended training approaches such as simulation both via video and animations, audio, textual training format, including hands-on practicing will be supported by the project. M-CARE will generate:- a dedicated PCG curriculum and relevant training material for different disabilities, applicable in every country in the EU and beyond, provided under a creative commons license (so "free");- innovative ICT-based Web 2.0 mobile/online learning platforms (PC, smartphone and tablet PC) with multilingual interfaces, developed as Open Source applications ("free"), provided freely to VET centres; supported by a learning methodology;- piloting with end-users (mainly low skilled people) and beneficiaries (people with disabilities and older people) in BE, DE, GR and TR;- provision of online portal with dedicated communities, providing access to PCGs learning modules for VET centres.The impact of this will be pan-European (VET, ICT driven), and immediately measurable in increased PCG employment.

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