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Mobile Learning in vocational education
Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Mar 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In recent years mobile learning has become more and more popular. Mobile learning is about teaching and learning using mobile information and communication technology like tablets, smartphones, laptops and often the internet. Mobile learning has the opportunity to be used in courses, schools, during work or by individual learners – for example in their leisure time. The Erasmus+ project GoMobile addresses this new and innovative way of learning and teaching with focus on vocational education and training. It focuses on exploring the options that are available and on giving practical advice to teachers, trainers and developers of educational materials. The consortium will focus on the VET environment and gather information on how the aspect of being really mobile and flexible concerning the place to learn can influence the learning process and offer new opportunities. In desktop researches the partners also gather information about mobile learning in their national contexts and the EU.The aim of GoMobile is to get an overview on mobile learning in vocational schools and in companies and meet the needs of teachers and trainers in this field. The consortium will create a book that introduces teachers to the concept of mobile learning and gives them a deeper understanding. In addition it will take them through several useful learning apps in a hands-on approach that helps them understand how the app can be integrated into their classes. The book will also contain a section on future development of mobile learning, providing a detailed overview of which opportunities technology will provide in the coming years (for instance, individualized learning through learning analytics, networked collaborative or competitive learning, etc.), and what should be developed in the field of mobile learning in order to take advantage of these opportunities.The book will be available in several languages, and it will be widely shared with vocational teachers and trainers all over Europe. The book will be available in print but also as an e-book that will be shared for free through big online book sellers. The consortium sees the result as an important milestone in taking advantage of the opportunities that mobile learning already provides and as an important push forward that helps improve the world of education and prepares it better for future generations of learners.
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4 Partners Participants