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Mobile Empowerment for the Socio-Economic Development in South Africa (MOSAIC 2B)
Start date: Oct 1, 2013, End date: Nov 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Mobile empowerment based on mobile technologies allows the development and implemen-tation of new business models and new business opportunities targeting micro enterprises and their customers in developing countries like South Africa.The goal of MOSAIC 2B is to develop and test a new framework that uses cloud-based ap-plications, innovative low-cost internet delivery mechanisms (delay tolerant networks and opportunistic communications) and affordable mobile technologies to unlock new mobile business opportunities, especially in rural villages. A consortium of European and South African partners builds upon the use case of mobile digital cinemas to run real life experiments demonstrating and evaluating the technological and economic viability of according innovations.In essence MOSAIC 2B delivers a combination of mobile digital cinemas for edutainment (educational content and entertainment), mobile business and consumer services as well as visual analytics and interactive tools to obtain real-time knowledge of on-going processes, to support decision making, and to increase business opportunities. Ultimately the business case of South African micro entrepreneurs delivering edutainment to rural consumers serves as a showcase for broad based economic activities at the bottom of the economic pyramid in the developing world. Adapted innovative services at affordable cost offer sustainable access to new markets on a global scale to the benefit of underserviced populations, local and European service providers.
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5 Partners Participants