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MOBICLI3L: new frontiers of knowledge, life-long learning and international education
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

CONTEXT/ BACKGROUND OF THE PROJECT. In recent years many changes have occurred in our society and have affected every aspect of our life: globalization, economic crisis, unemployment, migration together with an increase in racial prejudices, rapid changes in knowledge (with the continuous need to update it). All of this steadily challenges education to renew itself. Our inescapable teaching horizon must assure better learning performances, employment, a better use of foreign languages and ICT and awareness of European dimension. The project hereby presented is the result of a critical reflection upon teaching and learning within the theoretical framework of "ricercAzione", a reflective teaching practice, aimed both at understanding educational phenomena and at supporting decision-making processes and educational policies. NEEDS and OBJECTIVES Although our school enjoys a good reputation and the number of its students increases from year to year, the staff feel the need to update their knowledge, to compare methods, tools, curricula and syllabuses with other foreign teachers in order to reflect on their educational “mission”. Students will be consequently offered more attractive projects and syllabuses and invited to take part in international mobilities, like school exchanges, multilateral partnerships, or volunteering abroad. This contributes to defeat prejudices, racism, and to acquire understanding and responsiveness to social, linguistic and cultural diversity. Another aim of the utmost importance is to prevent early school leaving and dropouts. A renewed methodology, together with the use of new tools, could help teachers reach this goal and improve the quality of our approach to knowledge and education. Both teachers and young adult learners need to be better equipped to fruitfully face rapid social changes and the requirements of a highly competitive labour market. Teachers need also motivating to start up projects of cooperation and exchanges. Efforts must be rewarded with the necessary financial support and the training of teachers and production of teaching materials needs financing effectively. The educational offer of our school must be internationalised depending not only on the experience of external agencies, but also taking advantage of the opportunities offered by EU projects. Good practices with our European colleagues have to be shared and life long cooperation with schools of other European countries is a must. The quality standards of our school in the outlook of internal and external assessment must be enhanced and needs steady updating. NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS About 20 teachers are supposed to join seminars, courses, job shadowing experiences or teaching assignments, which should imply the involvement in different fields of knowledge according to the diversity of their specific needs. Candidates are teachers of Maths, Biology, Philosophy, Physical Education, History and Geography, Foreign Languages who might: (1) attend training courses abroad for CLIL methodology, (2) discover new methodologies in the framework of language teaching; 3) get acquainted with cross-curricular and project management in the field of education and international exchanges; (4) participate in job shadowing offered by other EU schools; (5) accept teaching assignments as part of foreign teams with different abilities and expertise enabling them to share their competences with the rest of the foreign school staff or taking part in school activities as observers. METHODOLOGY TO CARRY OUT THE PROJECT Our project is named MOBICLI3L after the main activities and areas chosen by the participants: MOBility and Project Management; Internationalization of education; CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning); CL (Cooperative Learning); 3L or Lifelong Language Learning. Joining international projects will definitely trigger specific emotions because a paramount part of our job is not only based on knowledge and skills, but also on empathy with students, colleagues and partner organisations. Working in a cross-cultural environment, trying to build permanent bridges among different institutions, showing students that teachers deeply believe in a long-life learning attitude will help students develop an open mind and an active role in their education process. A project management board will be responsible for monitoring every step of the project and for evaluating the effectiveness of the activities experienced by the participants on the base of the outcomes in our learning environment. OUTCOMES Improved competences in the use of new teaching methods and approaches, better students' outcomes, enhanced relationships and communication between our school and the education centres of other EU countries and internationalization of our school environment are among the longer term benefits envisaged so far.

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