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Mix@ges - Intergenerational Bonding via Creative New Media
Start date: Nov 1, 2011,

The future demographic profile of Europe predicts a gradual shift from a society with quantitatively dominant younger cohorts to a society in which the elderly form a majority. By the year 2050 almost half of Europe’s population will be above 50 while birth rates continue to drop. To prevent a growing communication gap between generations we need innovative approaches to stimulate and improve intergenerational dialogue. This project aims to develop and deliver innovative methods of bringing the generations closer together and stimulating dialogue by using the creative potential of new media. The project will investigate and evaluate the relevance and impact of creative media for enhancing ICT competences of older and young people and for improving intergenerational communication. Seniors and young people (aged 14 to 20) will jointly explore the broad range of creative and artistic possibilities our contemporary digital world has to offer and the many opportunities to deploy creative expression. Under the guidance of qualified media teachers, professional artists and trainers, young and older learners will produce video or music clips using a mobile phone or an mp3 player; develop audio guides or GPS tracks; explore digital photography or create apps or digital games. Intergenerational interaction will be stimulated through the choice of common topics and the joint creation of multimedia products. The project will identify and map relevant approaches towards intergenerational media in the participating countries and instigate and support three media workshops for learners in each country. The products and results will become part of an interactive web platform. Involved trainers will meet at European level and exchange ideas on approaches, initiatives and methods. At a central event, participants will have the opportunity to present their results and discuss with experts. The evaluation of the project activities will lead to a Manual / Tool Box.
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3 Partners Participants