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Misli neomejeno (Think Out of the Pot)
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project entitled Think ou of the pot will include vocational secondary school pupils attending programmes gastronome-hotelier and administrator. 14 pupils will be included in the project. These are pupils with special needs, more specifically emotional and behavioral disorders and learning disabilities. Pupils come from weak social environment which offers no stimuli for acquiring knowledge and social skills. Due to poor self-image they require a lot of positive affirmations in order to improve social skills, acquire new professional skills and by that increase employment possibilities.The aim of this project is to help our students gain self-confidence and improve their self-image, to upgrade knowledge and skills with practical work and thereby expand employment possibilities, to discover and learn foreign languages, to become aware and to accept other cultures. By fulfilling goals pupils will gain personally as well as professionally.Mobility in Italy will take place in March or April 2017 and 2018. Pupils will do a three week internship in companies. They will acquire professional competences in restaurants, learn how to prepare typical Italian dishes and how to resolve potential problems. Positive behavioral patterns will be strengthened through experience. Inclusion in a foreign, unknown environment enables them to discover a foreign language. Easier school completion is important for them since they were unsuccessful in at least one other secondary school. The long term effect is the sense of equality in broader society.Teachers are constantly seeking new methods for motivating pupils and for teaching. They are aware that teaching contents need to be adapted to market needs. They all have special pedagogical knowledge to work with problematic youth. Regardless, they need to exchange experience with colleagues from other European countries who work with similar population. There are not many such opportunities in Slovenia. They aim to establish the pupil’s positive attitude towards school and to trust their abilities. Seven teachers of theoretical and vocational theoretical subjects will be included in the project. In Portugal they will be informed of profession development in the field gastronomy, use of ICT, they will observe classes in vocational schools with special emphasis on work done with students with learning, emotional and behavioral problems. Teachers and companions will include their experience and skills in planning new activities and improve their work, learning, teaching and curriculum.
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