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Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Children start to learn when they are born. Before starting the school, children are very sensitive, curious and dynamic. They exhibit an investigative personality. They have a great imagination. They try to relate reasons and results of the daily events. They always try to ask questions. An individual has never been as active as he/she is between ages of 3-6. In this period, they have a great energy. The most important thing for them is learning. They question all the living and inanimate objects around them. Pre-school period is very important to raise self-confident and entrepreneur individuals. Pre school education will enable individuals to have good habits, self-freedom and courage. Only families cannot supply needs of the children ar pre-school period. We need educationalists to give children education opportunities and to put them in a right education programme. Nowadays, pre-school institutions are very important to guide families and give them an education support.We join this programme with 30 students and 3 attendants teachers to get information about the methods and approaches used in Europe for early childhood education. We also want to raise qualified educationalists to serve for children, families and society. Moreover, we want attendants to improve their foreign language. Additionally, we want our attendants to learn about education of pre-school period in Europe. Training qualified child trainers who are compatible with technological developments,equipped with vocational and technical knowledge and skills,- Training teachers having international experience- Leraning education given to kids who needs special education in Europe- Leraning operation methods of kindergartens in Europe- Improving foreign language levels of participants- TRaining young population in the field of child develpment,improving their vocational skills and so catching norms assigned by EU- Implementing methods and approaches applied in early childhood education in Europe The work includes participation of one teacher and 10 students from each of our partners and a total of 30 students and 3 companion teachers In the Project ‘’ European Application in early childhood education’’ We have three schools; Ceylan Anatolian vocational and technical high school, Akçakale Anatolian vocational and technical high school and Süleymaniye Anatolian vocational and technical high school. 30 students of 11th class will experience this internship in Sweeden/ Stochkolm.

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