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Migration is not a crime
Start date: Jan 1, 2014,

The YE: "Migration is not a crime" is focused on raising youngsters awareness and knowledge related to migration and terms that are associated with, such as discrimination of minorities, rejection and stigmatization of groups of people with different national background than ours.This exchange is foreseen as an opportunity for adopting new competencies that will help participants to learn more about the migration in Europe, the migration trends in 21 century, push and pull factors, key migration terms, issues that immigrants are facing when living in other country. Through this applied methods and objectives participants will gain more skills in fighting discrimination and stigmatization of people coming from other countries. The host organization ZONA - Kavadarci, from Macedonia is welcoming participants to join from the multilateral youth exchange from: Poland, Moldova, Spain, Serbia, Ukraine, Turkey and Georgia. The participating groups will be composed of 4 young people plus one group leader. Total number of participants is 40 and two facilitators, meaning 42. Since we would like to create multicultural environment, the partners are responsible of inviting at least one member to the group belonging to other nationality, ethnic group or race, or member of a migration family, or young person that have been migrating for only limited period of time (seasonal job, education), or person migrating from rural to urban area as well. The project venue is Struga, Macedonia in duration of 7 days working days.
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7 Partners Participants