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Migration in Europe:data, models and policies
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The module “Migration in Europe: data, models and policies” (MIGREU) concerns migrants within the EU. The objective of the course is to enhance students understanding of the complexity and interrelations of migration and the need for deeper knowledge in evaluating appropriate policy choices. -1-The Module starts with the history of the EU migration flows and stock (MIGREU1-history).-2-A discussion of the “stereotypes on migration” will introduce a methodological section (MIGREU2-methodology and data). A EUropean migration Data Laboratories (EUDAL) on the data and their user will close section2. Special Lecture (SL1) migration flows by demographer, Philippe Fargues director of the MPC.-3-The migration decision (MIGREU3-choice) models and the evolution of Migration policies. A laboratory on the European and National migration laws (EULAL) will complement section 3. Special Lecture (SL2) by Philippe De Bruyecker, coordinator of the Odisseus network, a specialist in EU migration legislation. -4-The effect of migration in the destination (MIGREU4-effect destination) countries: the labour market; welfare state; and growth and innovation. Their assimilation in the labour maket. The multi-level governance of the migration and integration policies (communitarian, national and regional). A laboratory on governance integrating theoretical and empirical analyses (EUPAL destination) will be organized.-5-The effect of migration on the sending countries (MIGREU5-origin): the effect on growth via financial and social remittances, human capital drain, return migration, fertility and social transformation. A laboratory on the policies undertaken by the sending countries to favour migrant integration will be given in the second year (EUPALorigin) . Special lecture (SL3) by Ummuhan Bardack, ETF, will close the section 5,and an academic conference and a roundtable debate with local and national practitioners will close the Module.
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