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Mieux vivre ensemble à l'école: Interactions sociales, apprentissages et rythmes de l'enfant
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our elementary school has got 120 pupils between 6 and 11 years old. It is located in Pleumeur Bodou, Côtes d'Armor in France. We have 5 classes and 7 teachers. From this year, we are teaching for 4 days and a half a week and we have started thinking about the different rhythm of the child and their harmony with more adapted pedagogies, but also in cooperation with our partners (educators, city employees). Our project has these essential aims : improve the teachers skills : their professional knowledge (level of English, pedagogical models, cultural knowledge) and their classroom practices (better organisation of the learning times, adaptation of the different pedagogy forms, the work modalities, get the classroom atmosphere better). Its other aim is to enhance the educative coherence between the school and the other partners. All the teachers are involved in this project. The school has already been part of several Comenius and Regio programs : the European feeling is commonly parted by all the teachers! We will hold this project on two years : - the first year (2013/2014), we will train and progress in English, but also take quantitative and qualitative pieces of information about the pupils times, observe in our partners schools the different pedagogy styles according to the pupils rhythm, the day, the week. We will also learn to promote the self-learning, "learning to learn" during our training course in Blewbury (GB). These experiences should help us making progress on didactic, pedagogical and organisation arrangements. - On the second year (2015/2016), we will work on social and civic skills ; thanks to a training course with Lifeskills in Limassol, Cyprus about non-violent communication, self-esteem and cooperation. In the welcoming schools, we will observe if they have life contracts, links with the non-teaching partners. Our will is to create a “welfare” school, a place of social and civic cohesion for the child, giving an European dimension to the rights and duties concept. That way, we hope in a middle term, to improve the level of the teachers skills, to enhance the welfare and the success of our pupils, the educative coherence with the other partners, to extend the innovative organisation of our school about the pupils rhythm management. On the long term, we wish the invested partners could take advantage of the results. We would also like that a larger number of people could take advantage of this reflection work. Being trained to new pedagogical methods in an European partnership is our main goal and it will always be, so that we can go on progressing and having our pupils progress.
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7 Partners Participants