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Międzynarodowa edukacja językowa i cyfrowa nauczycieli kluczem do profesjonalizmu zawodowego.
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Jan 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

8 members of the school staff (6 teachers of general subjects, the principal and a guidance counsellor) will take part in the project.The main objective of the project is to increase teachers’ language competences which enable them to take part in English-language training courses, internships and conferences organized outside Poland that contribute to raising school educational standards. The following strategic objectives, included in the European Plan of the School Development, are connected with the main goal:• Increasing the quality of educational offer through language and ICT training of the teaching staff.• Updating the teaching process( improving the quality of teaching standards). • Promoting the school in European countries.• Expanding the sense of being part of the regional, national and European heritage.6 people who have no basic knowledge of English will participate in a language course in Liverpool that will be organized by LISA company.The main objective of the course is to prepare them for another English-language course in modern information and communication technologies (‘IT applications in education’), that will be implemented by Associação de Mobilidade Intercultural Euromob foundation in Portugal.Then, the whole group will take part in the ICT course (‘IT applications in education’)which aims at modernisation of the teaching process (increasing quality of education), for example by more frequent, more conscious and more advanced use of ICT during school and after-school activities as well as one-to-one tuition.Moreover using modern technologies will contribute to more efficient functioning of the school. The teachers will show innovative approaches to teaching process, will make changes in the curriculum and implement them in the teaching-educational process. Additionally, the participants of the course will become familiar with the Portuguese education system and innovative information solution –SIGGARRA that improves school organisation in the fields of security and students identification.The following activities will be taken under this project:• Information campaign on the project (adverts, lectures).• Language and cultural-educational activities preceding foreign courses.• Foreign courses.• Popularisation campaign.• Using the acquired knowledge and skills at school (using Moodle and internet applications at school).• Lesson observations.• Open lessons.• Using project’s products during lessons.• Registering the school on the eTwinning platform and attempt to establish cooperation with potential partners.• Trying to join the process of preparation and accomplishment of projects within Action 2 and Action1The actions taken within foreign mobilities are expected to bring effects on the participants, the school, as well as on the partners.On the participants:• improved foreign language competences;• increased level of ICT competence among the participants;• recognising cultural objects and taking part in cultural events;• implementation of the ‘lifelong learning’ idea;• encouraging openness, tolerance and support for Rother people;• meeting representatives of other nationalities and expanding the knowledge of their countries;• developing language and communication skills;• awareness of mental and cultural diversities;• increased level of self-esteem, self-confidence, improved ability to cope with stress, increased mobility and professional creativity, higher career aspirations;•making international contacts and friendships with other participants of the courses;• participants are more aware and more eager to learn foreign languages which enhance their chances of professional and personal development;• recognition of Portuguese education system and SIGGARRA system;On the school:• a favourable opinion of the school in local communities;• the school staff will be more experienced in fund raising and taking part in EU projects;• increased awareness of the benefits resulting from participating In EU projects ;• establishing and expanding cooperation with the EU countries with the use of eTwinning platform;• the openness of the school to synergies with training firms and language schools;• increasing interest in the school in the local and regional environment thanks to the upgrading of teaching process;• using and promoting good practises both within and outside school;• the school is ready to welcome EU interns, which enables sharing of innovative knowledge and resources;•increasing interest in participating in EU projects in the local community.On the partner:• enriching the experience in implementing projects in cooperation with ZSP No 2, which allows to raise skills level, knowledge and competence of the team in this field;• enhancing partner’s knowledge in the field of evaluation and monitoring of projects;• better awareness of the Erasmus+ project and other projects implemented in its framework.
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