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Mettre en pratique ses connaissances linguistiques professionelles a partir d'experience de travail en France
Start date: Oct 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The "Mikes Kelemen" High School in Saint Gheorghe is a recognized school in the county and the region. Most students who graduate our high school follow higher education. The school curriculum is diversified through intensive and bilingual foreign language classes. All teachers who teach in school are qualified with teaching degrees, master and PhD. The project idea was born from the need to develop the quality of practical training of students who graduate the linguistic profile of our theoretical high school. School statistics made in recent years show that some students continue their studies at universities in the field of foreign languages , applied languages , international relations and communication. Another important part of the students attempt to get a job in multinational companies in the field of tourism, for secretarial work , translation, interpretation, logistics etc., and in the meantime they pursue their studies and attend local colleges ( in Sfantu Gheorghe and Brasov ) . The mobility project targets these two categories of students and prepares them to practice to which they do not have access during their studies in high school, as during this period of training the emphasis is laid on theoretical input of foreign languages , but not on the use of students’ knowledge on labor market. From this perspective the project has the following objectives: - Training of 60 students of specialized languages, English - French by placing them in institutions/ European companies - Development of social skills in a real socio –professional context - Development of intercultural competences by spending 2 weeks in another European country . The project participants are 60 students who study in intensive language classes. On graduation they receive a professional certificate in this field. The age of the students is between 16-18 years, so from classes X, XI and XII. The foreign languages taught are English and French. The students’ internship students will run in four flows, each flow will involve15 students. They will be received by the school partner Robert d' Arbrissel High School and will perform internship in five institutions / companies (Robert d' Arbrissel High School, Chemille Town Hall, two travel agencies, a multinational company). Activities during the internship will be: - Secretarial work, organizing internships - accomplishment of specific documents, databases, filling out forms, etc. . - Development of cooperation documents with other partner institutions with the Town Hall, by e -mail correspondence, translation of documents into English, filling out forms in English and French, cover letters, filling-in of personal records, serving readers with books requested. - Receiving visitors, presenting leaflets accompanying a guide to places of touristic attractions and providing the English translation of the guide’s presentation. - Cultural activities: meetings, visits, trips. The monitoring of the students will be done by accompanying teachers and the project managers based on filling in daily monitoring sheets. These sheets will be made before the start of the internship, along with evaluation sheets, satisfaction questionnaires and learning contracts. Expected results and impact on the target group are: - Improving language skills ( French and English ) in the context of real work - Improving social skills - Increased confidence and self-esteem - Increasing skills in using ICT - Self-awareness, knowing each other, teamwork, critical thinking - Developing entrepreneurship - Increasing tolerance and mutual acceptance - Spirit of fair -play in the context of European citizenship. Evaluation activities will be applied to the students and to the project. For students, the two accompanying teachers will go to the places of the training along with the training tutor and student assessment will be realized. After their return to Romania evaluation will be done through internship report, which will be translated into French and English. Project evaluation will be done through questionnaires and through meetings of the project team to analyze whether the objectives were met. Validation will be achieved by filling in the Europass Mobility document. Dissemination will be achieved through meetings, exhibitions, correspondence and information posted on the school website .

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