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Metodologías innovadoras y creativas: bringing life into classroom
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Sierra de Santa Bárbara Secondary School is a state public school with a staff of 51 teachers, and 391 students. Their social background is very integrated: children from gypsy ethnic groups, immigrants, children from families with a low cultural and economic level, in some cases dysfunctional; and also students who choose our school for its educational program (art higher secondary school, food and catering vocational training, bilingual section-CLIL).In view of this situation, our school faces problems such as lack of motivation, early dropout rates, negative attitude towards the whole educational system, bad results, discipline problems…All these matters result in the needs stated in our European Development Plan: to improve our students’ academic results, truancy and early dropout, to increase their motivation for learning and acquiring skills which can help them access working life with new, open, integrated strategies, based on the group performance and the cooperation among groups, with the integration of the information and communication technologies and the multilingualism. Besides, we really believe we must promote multiculturalism and the internationalization of our students, so that they can broaden their social and working possibilities.In order to improve all the aspects mentioned above, our school has proposed that the teachers do training activities that can help change our methodology with all the students, no matter the course (compulsory secondary education, compensatory education, upper secondary education and vocational training) and that can lead our school to a total change that will bring the academic prestige it lacks nowadays. To achieve those goals, nine teachers have been selected to take the structured training courses so that afterwards, they can monitor the activities and necessary changes to carry out our project.The participants have a multidisciplinary profile, coming from various departments (English, Latin, maths, music, technology, French, technology, history, geography, and support learning for children with learning difficulties) and all of them have a good level in English and/or any other European language and broad experience, and are eager to put a new methodology into practice in their classrooms so as to give our school an international projection.This group of participants has selected the mobility activities consensually, intending to get training in four fields which will be joined together to implement our project. Our proposal is to do two different courses in each of these fields in a period of 24 months:- Specific training in open, creative, innovative methodologies aiming at a kind of learning based on projects, collaborative and group strategies or “flipped classroom” (3 mobilities)- Training for the acquisition of strategies that can be applied in the teaching-learning process with students who have low motivation, low social integration, tending to absenteeism and early dropout. (2 mobilities)- Training in the efficient integration of the ICT in the methodologies mentioned above, taking advantage of the important technological endowment that we enjoy. (2 mobilities)-Training in foreign language teaching and bilingual teaching with the use of new methodologies: project work, cooperative work, etc. (2 mobilities)These activities are meant to help us change the general methodology in our school, progressively going from the traditional methods to more innovative ones, such as project work, skills-based work, the inclusion of the extra-curricular education into the educational system, etc. And all that will not be done individually, but as a group, as a part of the general project of our schoolIn order to do so, different tools will be used, such as periodic, interdisciplinary meetings (logistics, information to the whole staff of teachers, monitoring, planning of didactic programmes), digital platforms, websites or wikis where to set and share the new didactic materials. In addition, different mechanisms will be planned for an internal evaluation of the accomplishment of specific objectives, and also at the end of each course.As for the results and the expected impact of the project, we believe that the teachers taking part in the activities will actively improve their teaching strategies, language skills and knowledge in the ICT. But what is really important is that this impact will revert to the students, improving their teaching-learning process and opening new European horizons. To assess this impact we will use questionnaires, reports, quantitative comparisons of enrolment, absent rates, marks, etc.In the long term, we expect to make the innovative teaching strategies the hallmark of our school, which will mark the difference and will offer a new view of education to a group of people with integration problems. In addition, we hope that this project will be the precursor to future Erasmus+ actions that will complement the current one.

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