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Metoda CLIL w procesie kształcenia a rozwój umiejętności językowych uczniów i kompetencji zawodowych nauczycieli.
Start date: Dec 31, 2015, End date: Dec 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The objectives of the project " The CLIL method in educational process in regards to students' language competence and teachers' professional skills development" include development of teachers' language and professional skills and implementation of the CLIL method. Other aims are to familiarize with different management styles, foreign bilingual policy and to develop cultural skills. The project participants are following teachers: English (4), early stage teaching (2), mathematics (1), ICT (1), science (1), PE (1) and the headmaster. Actions: 1. The preparations for course participation (question list, booking the tickets, accomodation, learning agreement, insurance - June 2015). 2. The preparations for "job shadowing" (cooperation establishement, preliminary project agreement - June 2015). 3. Methodological courses in Malta (gaining new skills, extending knowledge, establishing international cooperation - October 2015). 4. English teachers meeting (exchanging the information and the experience obtained during the courses, defining intended actions - November 2015). 5. Organizational activities regarding "job shadowing" (ticket reservation, accomodation, learning agreement, insurance - November 2015). 6. The training in CLIL and other modern teaching methods for other project participants (December 2015). 7. Language training, exemplary lessons for project participants (December 2015 - April 2016). 8. Participation in job shadowing (observing the usage of CLIL method on the level of didactics, management and administration, teaching experience exchange, establishing international cooperation - May 2016). 9. Impelementing of the innovation in our school - (September 2016). 10. Dissemination of project results (media, methodological conference for local schools - February 2017). 11. Cross-curricular bilingual performance for parents and pupils (April 2017). 12. eTwinning projects (school year 2016/2017). 13. Project results evaluation (May 2017). 14. End of project report (June 2017). Methodology used in project accomplishment: - various forms of data gathering (survey concerning students' motivation, language placement and progress tests for teachers, survey concerning mobility effects satisfaction and usefulness of the gained skills), - the SWOT analysis, - brainstorming, - statistical analysis of external language exams results. The anticipated results, project impact and long-term benefits are coherent with European School Development Plan. These include: - wide range of innovative techniques, - introducing bilingual teaching with the use of CLIL method and its effectiveness, - obtaining European dimension of school, - improving students' language competence and motivation, - enhancing school prestige in local environment, extending the school profile, - expanding cultural awareness, - establishing long term international cooperation, - modern European school management system.
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