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Mesleki Eğitimde İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği Eğitimi
Start date: Dec 31, 2015, End date: Dec 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Recently in our country , the conception of labour safety has been taken into account because of the industrial accidents which cause the death and injury of the labourer.According to the statistics,it occurs an industrial accident at every six minutes and at every six hours, a labourer loses his life .That means four workers who go to work for the earning of their children , can’t go back home in the evening.The statistics have been explaining that a labourer can’t work anymore at every two and a half (2,5 ) hours.That is very sad situation.Turkey is at the first turn in Europe and at the third turn in the world at industrial accidents.Our lives can’t be so cheap.It has been realised that labour safety is important not only in the very risky enterprises but also at all organizations which the employees work.The foundations which have to supply labour and labourer safety have begun to give value to the employees.Our country has begun to bring up labour safety experts and labour safety engineers , it has made working systems and it has begun to increase the prosperities of the workers at working fields.But other European countries have understood the importance of this situation before,but our country has been newly following them.What can our school do to follow those developed European countries ? How can it make use of their experiences and skills ? Our school has thought about those subjects and has planned a project. Thanks to this Project , our school teachers will see the theories on labour safety of European countries,follow the developments and realise the missing method ,techniques and applications.The participants will visit the schools in Holland,official societies and companies and will be able to find chances for comparison with our country.After examining the labour safety in Europe,our teachers will convey their knowledge and experiences to the other teachers and to the other schools in town . It can be industrial accidents in our school because of its situation.Some fields in the school can be so dangerous for the students. In addition to,our students can open their own working places or can work at any enterprise after graduating from the school.So it is our main responsibility to give them basic knowledge and habits on labour and labourer safety. Therefore fifteen teachers with different branches from our school ( especially vocational teachers , assistants of school manager ) will get a training on following project subjects in Holland during 5 days ( 48 hours ).At the end of the cooperation with our partner , our teachers have been expected to develop themselves on the following topics : 1- General Labour Health and Labour Safety Rules 2- Reasons of accidents ( Accident Series ) 3- Unsafe actions and conditions 4- Warnings and signs , risk analysis 5- The importance of using personal protecting equipments 6- Labour Diseases. 7- Principles of protecting from illnesses and the techniques of protecting 8- Biological risk factors 9- First aid and saving 10- Danger of electricity risks and cautions 11- Changing of working place , labour equipments and practising new technology 12- Biological factors 13- Psychological factors and so on. After getting the training above ; our school will prepare an urgent action plan with the project team , and this will be a sample for the schools in the town and in the city . And it will be done a labour health and safety unit at our school and this will convey to other societies and foundations after getting legal permissions. When the mobility ends , our school will prepare a presentation for the teachers who can’t have chance to go abroad at this project , and with this presentation,our skills and experiences will be conveyed to these teachers ,students and later the other schools’ teachers and students. Mobility of our project has been planned on January – February 2016. 1st / 2nd / 3rd / 4th days : Theoretic training ( involving the above topics ) 5th days : Practical training at working places , sightseeing and observation. As a result ; after completing our project , nearly 500 students who have got this training will reach Europe standards on labour safety and industrial accidents topics.After graduating the school,our students will be able to use these knowledge,skill and experiences on those establishments,societies and foundations.
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