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Mesleki Eğitimde Engelleri Aşma
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

ABSTRACTThe Project named ‘Coming Over the Handicaps in Technical Education’ belongs to Aydın Efeler Zübeyde Hanım Technical High School. The main purpose of our Project is to maintain the integration of the handicapped students in our school during the technical education period. Besides, by making they join all the activities within the Project we aim to help them get the chance of having an experience of technical education in a European Union country. As a government school our most important desire is to facilitate the handicapped students.Our Project is consisted of including four mobilities for our students. The students who are involved in the Project are from the departments of Computer Technologies, Clothes Production Technologies and Food&Beverage Service. Both handicapped ones and the other students will accompany together to get a course on their study topics abroad. The 58 students who will join the course are 10th, 11th and 12th class students and 8 teachers will accompany as a guide. First and Second Mobilities: For Computer Technologies Department: Making a simple programming on micro controller and sample circuit applications within 14 days First Mobility: 16 students will be educated in the Höhere Technische Bundeslehranstalt school in Vien, Australia. Second Mobility: 16 students be educated in the St. Gyorgy School of Media and Information Technology in Hungary.Third Mobility: For Clothes Production Technologies Department: We will deal with the designing techniques which are used in Fashion Designs within a 14 days period. 10 students from our school will be educated in the Fashion Model School of Applied Arts, clothes and leather industries Vocational and Technical School in Budapest.Fourth Mobility: For Food &Beverage Department: International soups, salads, salad sauces, dish decorations, starters, main courses and other techniques will be applied within 14 days. Our 16 students be educated in the First Private Hotel School in Czech Republic.The students with mental, orthopedically and other disorders must have the same educational conditions with the ones who don’t have disorders and must have a chance to be involved in activities in mixed groups in order to help them improve their abilities. With our Project we aim to come over the handicaps and make them feel as the others feel. Having experienced our Project abroad, our guiding teachers will come back to our school with new Technologies and applications in their educational area and so that they can apply them into their lessons. Our main purpose of making this Project is to improve the technical education level in our school by using the experiences from Europe. Besides both handicaped students and others have a chance to work together in the same social environment, experience the team work and learn the rules of work. The team work we will have with our foreign partners will enhance a quick way of information transfer between the schools and will let both students and teachers think in an innovative way of thinking. Our students and teachers who will be involved in this Project will come back with a lot of new experiences that they will share with the rest. The purpose here is to give a better education in all departments. Also, the cultural transfers during the Project period will give us a new vision that will make our school a very popular one.
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