Search for European Projects

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our vocational school has known a European dynamic for more than 12 years. The first 10 years with a Maltese partner and since 2012 we have built a new partnership and a new LEONARDO program with Testenglish and the Surrey Language Center in Farnham. We changed our partner because the exchange of students was not working anymore on the Maltese side for financial reasons. Our vocational school counts around 400 pupils with specialities such as Management and Administration, Trade and Services to customers. Our 3 specialties have a European profile. Management and Administration and Trade in English, Services to Customers in Spanish. Each year 8 to 10 students fulfilled 4 weeks of professional training in an English organization for their assessment of their A level in secretary studies. The enlargement to the Trade education program started in 2012 in our school. The arrival of a new collegue certified to teach in CLIL class has made it possible. This new Erasmus+ program will ensure the possibility for both classes to train and get European mobilities. The vocational education our life long and the necessity to be open to the E.U. are part of our school project. This is a strong message we want to show our students. The students register in our school because they know they can be part of a European program. Our website, our « Opendoors day », our publicity on our Parisian Education website help us to communicate. Our « future Erasmus+ students » will not only fulfill professionnal tasks in management/administration or trade, part of their education program, but they will also discover a new country, a civilisation, a language and will get new skills linked to their future job and different from their « home uses ». The program today is equally composed of boys and girls. In each class, 12 pupils are part of the European class. 24 each year are going to join the program. Each group has a different profile they’ll have to develop concerning their professional skills as well as their future studies and jobs. Thanks to our 12 years experience, our students are very motivated and realise the importance of opening themselves to the E.U. for commercial reasons as well as management reasons. They are conscious that belonging to a European class is a chance to carry more on their resume and on the job market that is more and more european if not international. During their 3 years of vocational education, they’re going to participate to various activities linked to the Erasmus+ program. They attend a 2 hours/week of CLIL class to improve their professionnal language skills. European meetings are also organised such as a conference and visit of the Information Office of the European Parliament in Paris, one day at the Jean Monnet house with conference and visit too. They also participate at the European Day in Paris and both groups are probably going to Brussels next year. Every 2 years, a 4 day trip in London allow our pupils to discover a European Capital. We organise a visit in a school or a company which offer a vision of the didactic and professional uses in the UK. Last year, we went to Oxford College and we met and talked with international students and teachers. During their stay in Farnham, they follow a 3 hours PPLC/morningclass for 5 days. Our partner Testenglish dispatches our pupils considering their level and put them in the appropriate group. The afternoon is dedicated to the professional integration of their firm. The tutors are aware of their responsabilities for our pupils. They are available to help them to take on new skills and to improve their English technical level. Thanks to their training period, our students discover the E.U. and its mobilities and Farnham, small town, where other students stay also to improve their English level and study their speciality. Our students are housed and placed in organisations by Testenglish. They quickly meet other European students. We are pleasantly surprised to see how fast they form friendship with other people in the school. They all patronize same places. Apart of the importance of the foreign traineeship to assess their European mention and the Europass passport, it is as well the opportunity to discover Europe and English language just right in the middle of the country in a school represantive of cultures intersection. They mix with high level students and come back home with strengthened motivation. Finaly, even if it’s quite hard to be far from their families, they outdo themselves. Each year, we observe that they all try to show the best of their personalities and come back more mature, full of experience, and they are just ready to do it again. It is the proof of the success of our program.
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