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Mentoři bez hranic
Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Project „Mentors without borders“ focuses on improving quality and profesionalizing of educational services providing by Prague branch of the People in Need’s Social Integration Programmes. We target the creation and development of mentoring programs. Mentoring programs are not tendered a lot in the Czech Republic, even in Prague there are just few organisations offer this kind of services despite a huge demand asking for them. We have contacted two partner´s organizations- Mentor Programma Friesland from Netherlands and Punt de Reference from Spain.We percive the mentoring service as highly efficient tool potentialy able to facilitate the social integration and to prevent rising of socio-pathological phenomena. Mentoring as a part of career counseling service should help the young people living the right values to succeed.The project goal is to teach us the proven and functioning methods and attitudes using by the experienced partner organizations. We would like to spread acquired knowledge in all the branches of PIN and also put them forward to other organizations. The project should motivate our emplyees for further work with teenagers and young adults. We´ll will meet these goals through activities focused on job shadowing / shading of sharing and workshops. Staff working in educational services will improve its skills, share its exeriences and know-hows through job shadowing in partner organisations and preparing and realizing workshops in cooperation with them.At the end of the project we will have the whole know-how to estabilish successful mentoring programs by PIN and transmit them to other organizations.
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2 Partners Participants